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well, wind is free, but u have to biuld turbines, which are NOT free, so not really...

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Q: Is wind energy cheap to obtain?
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What is a cheap form of energy in Israel?

Solar and wind energy are the only 'cheap' energy there.

Is wind energy cheap?

Wnd energy is free

Is wind energy cheap or expensive?

wind energy is only air but wind mills and wind turbins are about 5m to 10m dollars... so yes they are expensive.

Most ocean waves obtain their energy and motion from .?

the wind

Can trees also obtain energy from the wind bending their leaves and branches?

Trees get their energy to grow from respiration and sunshine. The sound energy of 'rustling' and the kinetic energy of leaves in motion is the energy drawn from the wind.

What are the advatages and disadvatages of wind power?

Advantages: clean energy, relatively cheap, "green" source of energy. Disadvantages: wind turbines can kill birds, the turbines themselves are not very attractive to look at.

What limits the abundance of wind energy?

The only thing that limits the abundance of wind energy is not educating the public how effective and cheap it is in the long run. It can be difficult to convince tax payers to pay for installation of multiple windmills and energy capture from the windmills.

What is mean by wind energy?

wind energy is energy that is caused by the wind a example of this is wind turbines

Why is wind energy called solar energy?

Wind energy is not called solar energy. Solar energy is the energy from the sun, while wind energy is just wind energy.

How do autotrophs obtain energy and how do heterotrophs obtain energy?

Heterotrophs obtain energy from foods they consume, and Autotrophs obtain energy by the sun light

What is called wind energy?

Wind energy is just called wind energy.

Are Wind farms used to transform the kinetic energy of the wind into electrical energy?

Wind turbines (in a wind farm) convert kinetic energy of the wind into electrical energy. Not to be confused with wind mills - that turn the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical energy.