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It may be reachable somewhere in the universe far from any outside forces but we'll never witness it. I don't care who says otherwise... we will never witness it. You couldn't even record it without causing the temperature to raise. Any source of light, motion, etc would keep whatever it is you're trying to examine from reaching zero kelvin.

What would happen is all theory. I can't give any 100% true answers for that. I'm not a big fan of a lot of the scientific theories floating around out there.

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14y ago

The Nernst postulate identifies the isotherm T = 0 as coincident with the adiabat S = 0, although other isotherms and adiabats are distinct. As no two adiabats intersect, no other adiabat can intersect the T = 0 isotherm. Consequently no adiabatic process initiated at nonzero temperature can lead to zero temperature. (≈ Callen, pp. 189-190)

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11y ago

No, it is not possible to reach 0 kelvin however temp. close to it is reachable.

The current world record was set in 1999 at 100 picokelvins (pK), or 0.000 000 000 1 of a kelvin. but it is not absolute 0 kelvin.

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What is the SI unit of temperature?

The unit is the Kelvin. Zero on the Kelvin scale is the coldest possible temperature, absolute zero. The scale increases by the same degree intervals as the Celsius scale but since Kelvin starts at absolute zero, the values are all higher. For example, it is 273.15 K when it is 0°C (Celsius). Kelvin "K" It is KELVIN!!!!! Either Kelvin, or Celsius. Both are used with the SI K degreeskelvin

How do you convert kelvin into Celsius?

0 degrees Celsius = 273.15 Kelvin. so add 273.15 You simply add 273.15 to the degrees to get Kelvin. A temperature increase of 1 degree is also a temperature increase of 1 Kelvin. Kelvin temperature is also known as absolute temperature as it has no minus values. 0 Kelvin (the coldest temperature possible, theoretically) is -273.15 degrees to be exact.

How do you turn Celsius to kelvin?

The Kelvin scale puts the 0 at absolute zero, so ice melts at +273.15 K. Celsius puts the freezing point of water at 0 oC and absolute zero at -273.15 oC Kelvin is therefore oCelsius +273.15, oCelsius is Kelvin -273.15

Why doesn't the kelvin scale go beow zero?

0 degrees Kelvin means complete absence of heat (and molecular movement) therefore you cannot go less than nothing.

What is the SI unit for Temp?

Kelvin is the SI unit. 0 Kelvin is equal to -273 degrees centigrade. Kelvin uses the same interval as the centigrade scale. It was created to make zero the lowest possible theoretical temperature (absolute zero). Kelvin is written without a degrees sign and with an uppercase K. e.g. the melting point of ice is 273 K.

Related questions

What is the significanse of 0 kelvin?

0 Kelvin is the lowest temperature possible. At this temprature, atoms and molecules have no thermal energy.

What is the location in Kelvin at the bottom of Earth?

It isn't. Kelvin is a measurement of temperature on an absolute scale (0 Kelvin is the lowest possible temperature, 0 Celsius is about 273 Kelvin). The Earth's core temperature is about 5778 Kelvin around the same as the surface of the sun, so says Wikipedia

What is 0 degrees Kelvin called?

Absolute Zero, lowest possible temperature

What are the metric units for measuring temperature?

Celsius - 0 degress Celsius is distilled water freezing point at sea level Kelvin - 0 degrees Kelvin is so called Absolute Zero - the lowest possible temperature. Basically it's same centigrade - 0 Kelvin = -273 Celsius, 0 Celsius = +273 Kelvin

-460 degrees what sacle is Fahrenheit celsiusor kelvin?

The lowest possible temperature on the Celsius scale is -273.15 degrees Celsius. The lowest possible temperature on the Kelvin scale is 0 degrees Kelvin. Therefore the only temperature scale on which -460 degrees is possible is the Fahrenheit scale.

How cold is zero degrees kelvin?

Zero degrees Celsius is about the same as 273 Kelvin. Zero degrees Kelvin is a temperature that has yet to be reached in the lab, or anywhere in the known universe because at zero Kelvin mass ceases to have volume. 0 Kelvin, although only theoretical, is the lowest temperature possible, therefore zero Kelvin is much, much colder.

What is 0 Celsius on the kelvin scale?

0 degrees Celsius = 273.15 kelvin.

What temperature scale has 0 as the least possible temperature?

Both Kelvin and Rankine are absolute temperature scales (The bottom of the scale is absolute 0 meaning there is no lower temperature). Rankine is used more by engineers and Kelvin by scientists

Which temperature scales have units of equal size?

Celsius and Kelvin scales have the same unit, but they start at different temperatures. 0 Celsius is the freezing pt of water, but 0 Kelvin is absolute zero (the coldest temperature possible)

Why convert degrees into Kelvin?

Kelvin has 0 (zero) at the coldest temperature possible (absolute zero - where there is no atomic movement whatsoever) and so the Kelvin scale is a better scale to use when calculating the energy between two temperatures.

When and what are some of the major points on the Kelvin scale?

On the Kelvin scale, 0 is absolute zero, which is the theoretical temperature at which all atomic motion stops. This is not a possible temperature to reach, not even in deep space. There is no "below zero" on the Kelvin scale. Water melts at 273 Kelvin, and boils at 373 Kelvin.

Which is colder zero degrees Celsius or zero Kelvin?

0 Kelvin is much colder than 0 Celsius:0 kelvin = -273.15 degrees Celsius