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Hungry vomit is the scariest thing I've ever heard of.please be careful.

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Q: Last periods was dec6 and got -v preg I also had hungry vomit angry tiredness using Mtformin 1000 mgday Gynec gave medi to get periods But before using it you have little brown spotting?
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What is the reason for back and abdominal pain 9 days before periods but no spotting?

Ovulation or PMS.

Is spotting also your period?

You sometimes start spotting right before the period actually starts, so I don't think it is really your period, only an indication that your period is about to start. Also, if your periods are very irregular, you may only have spotting some months.

What does it mean if you've been spotting for 3 months after your periods and now you have brown spotting?

Brown spotting is usually referred to as old blood and can be a indication of pregnancy, implantation bleeding, urinary tract infection, vaginal/reproductive infection etc. Spotting is also known as break through bleeding when on birth control pills. There is also a condition referred to as Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding which means spotting or bleeding before or after your periods. Do a pregnancy test first. Then see your doctor hun.

How would you diagnose light bright red spotting between your December and January periods?

Some women may experience light spotting and dull cramps during ovulation, 14-16 days before your next period. This is perfectly normal. If you are on birth control then spotting between periods is also quite common. If the bleeding changes from light spotting to heavy bleeding mid cycle you need to see an OB/GYN.

What does it mean if you are having pink or red vaginal discharge?

if you havent started your periods this is what it could be. If you have started your periods and this is occurring before or after you period is about to start it could b spotting if its possible it isn't spotting i would go seek a doctors opinion answer ovulation bleeding or implantation bleeding

If you have normal periods but every now and again you spot between your periods what is causing this if you have been to a gynecologist and the results were normal?

spotting can happen either before of after your period often it is dried blood if however you are worried then you should contact your gp.

You have the implanon birth control which 99 effective but your period is 2 weeks late and ive been having some brownish red spotting on and off could you still be pregnant I've had spotting before wh?

Spotting and irregular periods are side effects of the implant. If you still think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

Why do you start spotting red 3 days before your period starts and is the first day of your period when you start spotting or the day you start flowing?

Hi, Its not uncommon for periods to arrive 2-3 days earlier than usual. Yes the first day of your period is as soon as the bleeding starts, whether it be spotting or heavy flow.

If you have spotting a day before your period is due you have never had spotting before could you be pregnant?

Spotting before you get a heavier flow is very normal...If you are normally like clockwork and you only have spotting and do not get a regular flo within the next 3-4 days then it is very possible that you are pregnant and that the spotting is implantation bleeding.

Is spotting right before your period mean that your are not pregnant?

No. Spotting can occur during pregnancy.

Why are you spotting before and after my period?

your pregnant

What would cause someone to have spotting before periods and low grade temps every night?

okay, it is normal for your body temp to be elevated at night. It isn't a fever unless it's over 100.5 and if it is you need to see a doctor for a work up for urine infection or PID. the spotting before your period is just the way your cycle starts. good luck