

List of geological terms

Updated: 12/11/2022
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Please refer to the related link and you'll learn a lot of them!

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Q: List of geological terms
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In geological terms, a mineral must be a solid

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What is the age of Rhode Island?

It has been a US State for 220 years but is much older in geological terms.

What is a subduction in geological terms?

it when one of tectonic plates (lithosphere) descends under another plate (asthenosphere)

Is there a word related geology word starting with A?

Ablation, acid rain and after shock are geological terms. They begin with the letter a.

How old is Vermont?

In geological terms it is quite old, as a State it is the 14th State which makes it about 219 years old.

Why are humans interested in the Grand Canyon?

Because in Geological terms, it is an open booock to the history of the natural world that we inhabit.

Can I have a list of baseball lingo?

Click on the 'Baseball Terms' link on this page to see a list of baseball terms from

Is a wildfire geological?

No. Wildfires are combustion, which is a chemical process. In terms of cause, most wildfires are caused by lightning (weather) or by humans.

What is the definition of a focus in an earthquake?

In geological terms, it is the point below the Earth's surface where seismic waves originate during an earthquake.

How do geological and human time scales differ?

The geological time scale is hugely larger than the human time scale. For humans, a decade is a significant period of time, and even our civilizations span only a few thousand years... whereas in geological terms even a million years isn't that much.