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Pluto used to be a planet but was removed and is now called a dwarf planet because it is too small to fit the criteria of being a planet.

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Q: List the planets in order starting with the one closest to the sun?
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Give the list of planets closest to the sun?

In order, the list of planets closest to the sun (from closest to farthest), Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars.

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No planets are in orbit around the moon

What are the 8 most closest planets to the sun?

Here is a list of the 8 closest planets to the sun: 1. Mercury 2. Venus 3. Earth 4. Mars 5. Jupiter 6. Saturn 7. Uranus 8. Neptune

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The initial letters of "My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pickles" lists the planets, starting closest to the sun. M= Mercury, V=Venus, E=Earth, M=Mars, J=Jupiter, S=Saturn, U=Uranus, N= Neptune, P=Pluto (which was recently taken off the list of planets).

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JupiterSaturnUranusNeptuneEarthVenusMercury (8)Pluto

Where can a person find a list of the order of the planets in our Solar System?

If you visit the NASA website or even search for the "Milky Way", you can get a list of planets in our solar system. There are only 9 planets, 8 if you don't count dwarf planet Pluto.

What list contains only outer planets?

It would be a list of the outer planets.

What are the list of planets closest to the sun and farthest to the sun?

Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Kuiper Planetoids (including Pluto)

What is the order from the sun of Jupiter?

Jupiter is the fifth planet in order from the sun. Jupiter is a gas giant, with 11 times the diameter of Earth, and two and a half times the mass of all the other planets and satellites combined!

What are the names of the 11 planets?

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) recognises eight planets in our solar system (from closest to sun to furthest); Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. A further five dwarf planets are recognised by the IAU; Ceres (in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter), Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Eris.

What are the planets in alphibetical order?

Earth Jupiter Mars Mercury Neptune Saturn Uranus Venus