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The city of Luxembourg is the capital of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Luxembourg |ˈləksəmˌbərg; ˈloŏksəmˌboŏrk|a country in western Europe, between Belgium and Germany and northof France; pop. 462,000; capital, Luxembourg; official languages, Luxemburgish, French, and German.• the capital of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; pop. 76,000. It is the seat of the European Court of Justice.• a province in southeastern Belgium; capital, Arlon.

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Q: Luxembourg is the capital of what country?
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Luxembourg, the capital of Luxembourg is located at the southern part of Luxembourg.

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The capital of the country of Luxembourg is the city of Luxembourg.

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Luxembourg's capital is the city of Luxembourg.

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This country is Luxembourg and its capital is also named Luxembourg.

What is the capital of Luxembourg?

Luxembourg City is the capital and largest city in Luxembourg, officially the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.Luxembourg city.Luxembourg is the capital city of Luxembourg.

What country is luxenbourg the capital of?

Luxembourg City is the capital of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Is Luxembourg a country or a capital?

Both. Luxembourg's capital is actually also called Luxemboourg.

Is Luxembourg a country or state?

Luxembourg is a country, but there is a Luxembourg City.

What is Luxembour in French?

The Capital of the country of Luxembourg is (also) Luxembourg

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Luxembourg is the capital city of Luxembourg.

What is the capital of Luxembourg a Europear country smaller in land area than Rhode Island?

Luxembourg is the capital city of Luxembourg.