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the principle, originated by Gregor Mendel, stating that during the production of gametes the two copies (alleles) of each hereditary factor segregate so that offspring acquire one factor from each parent.

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11y ago
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15y ago

Mendel's Principle of Segregation states that an individual inherits a unit of information (allele) about a trait from each parent. During gamete formation, the alleles segregate from each other.

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12y ago

The Law of segregation is one law part of four laws designed by Gregor Mendel.

The Law of Segregation states that the pair of "factors" ( they are called factors because at this time genes had not been discovered) separate or segregate during the formation of sex cells.

The other three laws are:

1. Inherited characteristics are controlled by these "factors"

2. One factor will mask the effect of another ( known as the principal of dominance)

3. These "factors" ,when formed into a pair, segregate and are distributed independently of the way other factor pairs are distributed ( Known as the Law of Independent assortment).

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13y ago
  1. law of segregation---the 2 alleles controlling each character maintain their identity in each organism but during formation of gamets move apart by meiosis so that each gamet recives only one alleleof each character
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13y ago

Mendel's law of segregation states that the two alleles for a heritable character segregate (separate) during gamete formation and end up in different gametes.

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14y ago

The Law of Segregation of Alleles according to Mendel is that, allele pairs separate (or segregate)during gamete formation, and randomly unite at fertilization.

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What is segregation in Mendels law of segregation?


What is segregated in Mendel's law of segregation?


What is the seperation of alleles?

The law of segregation of alleles, the first of Mendel's laws, stating that every somatic cell of an organism carries a pair of hereditary units (now identified as alleles) for each character, and that at meiosis the pairs separate so that each gamete carries only one unit from each pair. This is called the law of segregation.

What do Mendel's Law of Segregation and Mendel's Law of Dominanace have in common?

this that every trait has 2 alleles

Two or more pairs of alleles segregate independently?

It's segregation! :P

How traits can disappear and reappear from generation to generation is called?

law of segregation of alleles

The theory that a gamete receives only one of the pair of alleles is the?

This is Mendel's first law, the law of segregation.

Law stating that alleles separate independently of each other in gamete formation?

The Law of Segregation by Gregor Mendel.

What are mendels laws?

law of segregation, independent assortment, and dominance.

The statement that the members of each pair of alleles separate when gametes are formed is known as the?

Law of Segregation

Explain the implications of Mendel's law of segregation as it applies to the distribution of alleles in gametes?

The law of segregation states that when the egg and sperm combine at fertilization, the alleles are restored in the paired condition. This means that each side's allele combines, and the dominance effects of Mendelian understanding of genetics comes into play.

What is the separation of alleles during formation of sex cell?

It's segregation! If you're asking this from the crossword puzzle, I'm pretty sure it's the law of segregation. It's segregation! If you're asking this from the crossword puzzle, I'm pretty sure it's the law of segregation.