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Here is a sentence that uses the word metonymy. Metonymy is a figure of speech that replaces one word for another.

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4y ago

Metonymy refers to the substituting of one word for another that is closely related to the original word. A+

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Q: Metonymy in a sentence
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How would the word metonymy be used in a sentence?

If you know the definition of the word, you should be able to compose a sentence: metonymy is a name that stands for something else with which it is closely associated with. For example: we use crown to refer to a monarchy; brass to refer to the military; and the White House to refer to the U.S. executive branch.

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Synecdoche is a type of metonymy

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• Metonymy

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Example of figure of speech metonymy?

the white house is the most common metonymy there is in reference to the U.S executive branch

What are the example of metonymy?

Tanong mo kay jovert

Why do you use metonymy?

i want to know the same thing

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Which excerpt is an example of metonomy?

A metonymy is a word or phrase used to replace and refer to another word or phrase. A metonymy breaks up the awkwardness of repeating the same thing over and over. It changes the wording and makes a sentence more interesting.Examples of metonymy:Uncle Sam, meaning the governmentLend a hand, meaning helping outCarving the bird, meaning carving the turkeyHe's a porker, meaning he is obese