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Q: Mr.maliwat run 250 meters in 30.8 this rate how long will it take him in 300 meters?
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At 3.33 meters rate how long would it take you to walk 100 meters?

You didn't tell us how long it took to walk those 3.33 meters, so it is impossible to know how long 100 meters would take.

How fast are you travelling if you cover 22.03 meters in 3.8 seconds?

Distance = Rate * Time Manipulated algebraically, Rate = Distance/Time Rate = 22.03 meters/3.8 seconds = 5.8 meters per second =================

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2 hours. Because is it takes him 1 hour to dig a hole half the size of what hes going to dig then u have to add another hour to dig 2 more meters long 2 more meters wide and 2 more meters deep.

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3.50 meters

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I will get you started and you finish it.. rate=r time =t and distance =d we have the formula rate times time = distance so we write rt=d Rate is given as 60m/hr Time is what we are looking for distance is 53 meters, but we need miles since our rate is in MPH. 53 meters is .032932673 miles so we have rt=d and we want time t=r/d so divide your rate by your distance and you will have your time!

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Distance = Rate * Timeso,Rate(speed) = Distance/Time= 112 meters/4 seconds= 28 meters/second

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Distance = Rate X Time so, rearrange algebraically; Time = Distance/Rate = 583 meters/53 meters/s ( meters cancel ) = 11 seconds

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rate x time = distance rate = distance / time rate = 500/25 Rate=20 meters per second

What is a example of unit rate?

meters grams like K H D M D C M m is meters the unit rate for measuring the unit rate is like the middle value

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Depents on what depth your at and your personal breathe rate, typical 30-60 Mins at 25 meters,

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19.335068 hrs or 19 hrs 20 min

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0.25 meters per hour