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He probably has a cold or something which is affecting his ability to crow as it I'd probably painful for him. When he's better I'm sure he'll be crowing all day and rule the roost once more! :D

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Sometimes, roosters will not crow when they want to take a break or when they feel they are not dominant. Some signs a rooster is sick are weight loss, eyes closed, slow breathing, laying with their head down, or a grayish-white tint of the comb.

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Q: My rooster can't crow. he sounds like he is sick. why?
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How old is a rooster when he crows?

I have 6 chicks that are 4 months old today and cinco started to try to crow a few weeks ago uno started crowing today. You can tell by there names I can count in Spanish in the order they hatched.. lol Cinco's crow isn't what you would really call a "Crow" like he or she is trying but isn't getting it down yet so I am hoping that she's a male impersonator (which I have read are out there) seriously. And Uno's crow is an A+ rooster crow like he hold his head high and really belches it out. Definitely a rooster Mr. Cogburn (John Wayne movie) lol Hopefully this helped you.

Do silkie hens crow?

Hens will sometime attempt to mimic a rooster if no rooster is present within a flock. Usually the alpha hen, the top of the pecking order takes on the role of protector of the flock in the absence of a male. This can, but not always include the mimicry of the sounds a rooster makes.

Do crow birds get a deficants in there feathers?

Although it SOUNDS like an actual word, "deficant" is not in the dictionary. Also, "crow birds" is redundant.

Why does a hen who used to lay eggs now crows like a rooster?

Hens do crow or at least attempt to crow. Usually one hen will take on some of the duties of a rooster as far as protection and early warning of predators. This does not always happen but often in a flock where the rooster is killed or dies naturally one of the older hens will step up as boss chicken.

Do silkie roosters crow?

Yes they do crow I have 5 and they crow every morning and sometimes when I am feeding them - like saying thank you

Related questions

What is a roster's scream called?

Roosters crow. The crow of a rooster sounds like "Cock-a-doodle-doo."

Sound a rooster makes?

you mean a rooster? some people describe it as 'cockle-doodle-doo.', but it sounds more like 'goo-goo-goo-gooo'! sort of...

Do female leghorn chickens make rooster like sounds?

Yes. Roosters have many different vocal sounds. A reassuring clucking sound is common for roosters to make.

What does the cry of the crow sound like?

caw because a rooster makes a crow and a crow makes a caw so they are opposites.

What do you call the rooster sound?

Some people describe this sound as a woman screaming.

What is caw sounds like?


Why do chickens go bawk?

Well you have two situations where a chicken says "Cock-a-doodle-do". [1] The chicken looks like a rooster, sounds like a rooster and acts like a rooster. [2] The chicken really looks like a hen, but it is crowing. What's up? It could be either of two situations: (a) the rooster has delayed rooster feathering, and his crowing ability preceeded his beautiful male dress or (b) there is a genetic condition called "hen feathered" where the rooster will always look like a hen, even though he can crow and does mount the hens.

How old is a rooster when he crows?

I have 6 chicks that are 4 months old today and cinco started to try to crow a few weeks ago uno started crowing today. You can tell by there names I can count in Spanish in the order they hatched.. lol Cinco's crow isn't what you would really call a "Crow" like he or she is trying but isn't getting it down yet so I am hoping that she's a male impersonator (which I have read are out there) seriously. And Uno's crow is an A+ rooster crow like he hold his head high and really belches it out. Definitely a rooster Mr. Cogburn (John Wayne movie) lol Hopefully this helped you.

Animals with r in the word?

aligator, rhino i don't know if you were counting birds or not like crow, rooster, robin, parrot

Do silkie hens crow?

Hens will sometime attempt to mimic a rooster if no rooster is present within a flock. Usually the alpha hen, the top of the pecking order takes on the role of protector of the flock in the absence of a male. This can, but not always include the mimicry of the sounds a rooster makes.

Do crow birds get a deficants in there feathers?

Although it SOUNDS like an actual word, "deficant" is not in the dictionary. Also, "crow birds" is redundant.

Will a Japanese phoenix female chicken or any other female chicken crow like a rooster?

There are exeptions, sometimes, in a chicken group without a rooster, one of the chickens will take the part of the rooster. They will start to make weird crowing-like noises (ofcourse they cant really crow, they just make some kind of ulgly noise) and it will start gathering chickens when it finds food (roosters make a particular high pitched clocking sound when it finds food, it does it to gather the hens to offer them the food so he can mate with them). The chicken won't actually turn into a real rooster ofcourse, it'll just copy some behaviour. One of my chickens does it too, it's really funny. === === === ===