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water, air and food

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Q: What are three resources that nature recycles?
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What are three resources nature recycles?

water, air and food

When someone recycles newspapers cans what natural resources are we saving?


How do we get resources?

We get resources by the nature. Nature gives us the resource

How do we get our resources?

we get resources by nature

What are the three main kinds of resources and how is each one define?

The three main kinds of resources are natural, human, and capital. Natural Resources are gifts of nature, human resources are skills people have to produce goods and services, and capital resources are the things people make, such as machines and equipment, to produce goods and services.

What are three jobs about natural resources?

Nature Conservancy, The Ecological Society of America, Environmental Toxicology Vacancies

How many recycles in America?

18 millions recycles

What are the resources that can be used and replaced in nature over relatively short period of time?

these resources are called renewable resources .that means these resources get Renaud in nature by time...

A type of fertilizer that recycles natural resources is called?


What are resources called that are supplied by nature?

Natural Resources

Are resources that are used to make a pencil in limited supply...could we run out of the resources...are some parts recycled?

Some pencils are recycles out of things like newspaper, but others are made from trees. Whilst it is unlikely that we will run out of the resources needed, it is possible to.

What are the nature resources?

Most deserts are rich in mineral resources.