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Malignant hyperthermia is anesthesia induced and causes genetic predisposed individuals to suffer from uncontrolled increase in skeletal muscle oxidative metabolism. This overwhelms the body responses and may lead to circulatory collapse, necrosis , gangrene and death.

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Q: Can can Necrosis and gangrene can result from malignant hyperthermia?
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What is the most common necrosis?

Necrosis is tissue death. It is common to find necrosis in the extremities, however necrosis can result from damage or disease in any living tissue or body part.

What is fatty necrosis?

Fat necrosis is one of many types of necrosis. Necrosis is cell death with inflammation (different from apoptosis, which is without inflammation). Fat necrosis occurs in two forms. 1. Traumatic fat necrosis is the result of trauma. Cellular damage to fat-rich organs, such as the breasts, can lead to necrosis of the adipocytes. 2. Fat necrosis as a result of acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis. In this case, damage to the pancrease releases lipolytic enzymes into the blood, causing damage, and eventual necrosis of adipocytes.

Who killed Peter the Great?

Peter the Great died as a result of his bladder being infected with gangrene.

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It is suspected that this damage induces mutations that result in the development of malignant melanoma.

What do cells damaged by ultraviolet radition result in?

It is suspected that this damage induces mutations that result in the development of malignant melanoma.

What is the uncontrolled growth division of cells that result in a malignant growth is known as?

the answer is cancer.

What can cause necrosis and what does necrosis look like?

Necrosis can be caused by external or internal factors. External factors include blood vessels damage, mechanical trauma, and ischemia. Extremely high or low temperature can cause disruption of cells, which may result in necrosis. Internal factors like trophoneurotic disorder, pancreatic enzymes, injury and paralysis of nerve cells can also cause necrosis. Sometimes steroids can also cause necrosis.

What is the definition of gangrene?

death of tissue: local death and decay of soft tissues of the body as a result of lack of blood to the area

Long term effects of hyperthermia?

Long term effects are heat stroke which may result in seizures, brain damage, unconsciousness and ultimately death.

What is gangrene?

Gangrene is necrosis and subsequent decay of body tissues caused by infection or thrombosis or lack of blood flow. It is usually the result of critically insufficient blood supply sometimes caused by injury and subsequent contamination with bacteria. This condition is most common in the extremities. The best of all possible treatments is revascularization (restoration of blood flow) of the affected organ, which can reverse some of the effects of necrosis and allow healing. Depending on the extent of tissue loss and location, treatment other than revascularization runs the gamut from allowing digits to auto-amputate (fall off), debridement and local care, to amputation, the removal of infected necrotic tissues. [1] 1. simply, gangrene is death and decay of parts of the body, usually the hands or legs, starting from the tips upward. It may be caused by infection, or insufficient blood flow. It is common in patients with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. You mean gangrene?It's die body tissue (skin, and tissues underneath it) that becomes infected. Usually the color is black and has a foul odor.For further reading you can go to or you may go to this link means health.

Is cell autolysis bad?

cell autolysis may be result of inhury and unwanted when it is termed necrosis or it may be programmed when its called apoptosis

What happens to a cat that's diabetic and cant go to a vet?

Untreated diabetes can result in blindness, gangrene extremities, even death.