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Over time the moon's gravity will drastically alter Earth's pole star similarly precession will eventually alter Earth's rate of rotation.

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Q: Over time the moon's gravity will drastically alter Earth's Similarly precession will eventually alter Earth's?
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How does precession affect the earth?

Precession causes the direction that the north and south pole point to shift. The Earth has a period of precession of about 25,772 Julian years, or about 20 minutes per sidereal year. This precession causes the perceived positions of the stars to shift. It also causes the points in our calendar that signify things, such as the Vernal Equinox, to shift.

How did gravity play a role in the creation of your sun?

Gravity pulled pieces from the Solar Nebula together causing the hydrogen and helium atoms to start nuclear fusion which eventually created the sun.

What would happen to Earth if the gravity on the moon decreased?

Nothing much would happen, the only people to be drastically affected are fisherman and mountain climbers. It would change the tides, and make it much easier for mountaineers to climb!

Why is the weight of an object different on Earth and the moon even though the object's mass is the same in both places?

Weight depends on acceleration due to gravity and similarly acceleration due gravity depends on force of gravity. The force of gravity of moon is 6times less than that of earth and due to this their is variation in acceleration due to gravith between the earth and the moon. As there is difference in acceleration due to gravity between the earth and moon, the magnitude of weight also vary . And next most important thing to keep on mind is that mass is independent of gravity so it does not change anywhere ....

What happens to a protostar to eventually form a main sequence star?

It must collect enough mass in order for gravity to be able to turn it into a sphere.

Related questions

Over time the moon's gravity will drastically alter earth's?

Over time the moon's gravity will drastically alter the Earth's rate of rotation.

What is Axial precession?

Axial precession is a word commonly used in astronomy. Axial precession is defined as being a gravity induced change that takes place during an astronomical bodyâ??s rotational axis which has a slow and continuous pattern.

Does gravity acts on some objects only?

Gravity acts similarly on all objects.

What is axials?

Axial precession is a word commonly used in astronomy. Axial precession is defined as being a gravity induced change that takes place during an astronomical bodyâ??s rotational axis which has a slow and continuous pattern.

The gradual wobble that changes the orientation of the Earth's axis in space is called?

"Precession", a cycle that runs roughly 26,000 years.Unless you're doing some pinpoint celestial navigation, or lab-grade measurements in astronomy,you don't notice the effects of precession during the interval of your lifetime.

What make a curve ball curve when you throw it?

Three things affect the trajectory of a curve ball: Coriolis effect, gravity and precession AKA spin drift.

How does precession affect the earth?

Precession causes the direction that the north and south pole point to shift. The Earth has a period of precession of about 25,772 Julian years, or about 20 minutes per sidereal year. This precession causes the perceived positions of the stars to shift. It also causes the points in our calendar that signify things, such as the Vernal Equinox, to shift.

What must be absent for two objects of drastically different masses to fall at the exact same speed if they rely only on gravity?

air resistance

How did Newton discover the gravity?

He watched an apple fall off a tree and began studying what eventually came to be called gravity

What is the driving force behind all agents of erosion?

Gravity is the driving force behind all agents of erosion. If there is no gravity, rain will not fall and running water will not happen. Similarly, wind, glacial activity and waves are driven by gravity.

When coasting while roller skating you eventually stop why?

Friction and gravity.

Which simple lab experiment can be used to explain the geophysical concept of precession?

" Why does a tilted gyroscope not fall?In: Physics [Recategorize]Picture a spinning gyroscope that has its axis of rotation tilted with respect to gravity. As the gyroscope spins, the direction its axis is pointing is moving. It is describing a circle. That's called precession. Gravity is pulling down (applying a torque) on the gyroscope and trying to pull the top over. Gravity is trying to change the alignment of the axis of rotation. But because the gyro is spinning, because it has what is called angular momentum, gravity can't pull the top straight down. Instead, the force acts 90 degrees later in the direction of rotation. The "down" force is combined with the "spinning" force to create a "sideways" force. The result is that the axis of rotation moves a little bit to the side. In the next instant, gravity, which is still pulling, tries to bring it down, but the spin, that angular momentum, again combines with the gravitational force and another bit of "sideways" force shifts the axis again. In each instant of time, the force of gravity and the gyroscope's spin result in a dynamic that constantly shifts the axis or rotation a bit more to the side. Momentum is conserved in this phenomenon. In an experiment, a top spinning in one direction and tilted as it spins will exhibit precession in a given direction. If the top is spinning in the other direction, precession will be the opposite that it was with the first top. The Wikipedia article on precession has a picture of a gyroscope that has a bit of animation to (hopefully) make it clearer."Stole this but it works for your question too, also linked to it in the related section.