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frank loe, joean mice, yohannie phagard

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Q: Please give some names of all the secretary generals of the united nations?
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Are the united nations managed by the secretary of defense?

The United Nations is presided over by the Secretary General of the United Nations. The UN is not connected to the Department of Defense. It is a diplomatic organization.

Who were the last 3 Secretary Generals of the United Nations?

The current one is Ban Ki-Moon, his direct predecessor is Kofi Annan, and his was Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

Who is the General Secretary of United Nations?

United Nations - Secretary-General: Ban Ki-Moon.

Which of these positions is not a Presidential cabinet post?

Secretary of the United Nations

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Who was the first person from Africa to become the secretary-general of united nations?

Who was the first person from Africa to become the secretary-general of the united nations?

Who was the first person from Africa to become the Secretary-General of the United Nations?

Who was Secretary-General of the United Nations in 1949?

Trygve Halvdan Lie served as Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1946 until 1952.

What is the TITLE of the leader of the United Nations?

The head of the United Nations is the Secretary-Genera, who as of January 2011, is Ban Ki-moon.

Inited Nations General Secretary from Colombia?

There has never been a Secretary-General of the United Nations from Colombia.

What do a Secretary General do?

he leads the united nations

What does a secretary-general do?

he leads the united nations

Who is the top person there in the United Nations?

The Secretary General of the United Nations is probably the 'top dog'.