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Polish, Russian and Czech are all examples of the Slavic language group, which is a subgroup of Indo-European languages. The Slavic languages are the most widely spoken language subgroups in Europe, with 315 million people speaking some form of it.

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Q: Polish Russian and Czech are all examples of which Indo-European Language group?
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Polish Russian and Czech are all examples of which indo European language group?

slavic lanquegess

Can you give some examples of polish words?

You will find some examples in the Wikipedia article on "Polish language".

Give five examples of different of language?

french, German, Spanish, polish, Japanese

Is spetsnaz polish or Russian?

Its Russian

Is polish hard to learn?

Depends which is your native language for somebody who speaks another Slavic language(e.g Russian or Czech) as her/his native. Polish is not hard to learn, for anybody else it is hard, not impossible but still hard.

What are the top ten hardest language?

Chinese, Japanese, polish, Estonian, Arabic, Icelandic ,Korean Greek, Russian

Are Russian and polish separate languages?

Yes. Russian and Polish are separate languages. They are not mutually intelligible.

Is Russian an easy language to learn?

Actually, I'm Russian and I think that if you are from Asia or speak an Asian language (polish, Chinese, ukranian), if the only language you know is English then it will be really hard And also, if you have a very good french, German, or Italian accent then it will be easier for you This is how you spell hi in Russian: привет This is how you pronounce it - preevet

What does Ukrainian language sound like?

The Ukrainian language sounds melodic and rhythmic, with a wide range of vowel sounds and rolling "r" sounds. It has similarities to other Slavic languages such as Russian and Polish. The accent and intonation patterns give Ukrainian a distinctive and pleasant sound.

What does Da mean in polish?

Da is not Polish. It is Russian for yes. The Polish equivalent is Tak.

What language is closer to the Russian language?

The closest language to Russian is probably either Ukranian, Belarus, Bulgarian, or Serbian. Ukrainian, Belarussian, and Rusyn (arguably a dialect) are the closest languages, linguistically speaking, to Russian. They are East Slavic languages. Other Slavic languages are Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, and Bosnian.

Which countries have Polish as an official language?

Poland's official language is Polish.