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Visible signs of puberty... growth of hair on your scrotum and in the region of your penis (also around your anus), growth of hair on your ankles and in your armpits. Growth of facial hair. Your penis will get longer and thicker, your scrotum will get darker in colour and hang lower to accomodate the increasing size of your testes. You will sweat more and your sweat will begin to smell. You may get spots and blackheads. You will grow taller and your muscles will develop. You will find yourself think about sex a lot and you will get erections. You may find yourself mentally comparing the size of your own penis with the penises of other boys in the showers at school, this doesn't necessarily mean that you are gay, just that you are curious which is perfectly normal. You may also feel the urge to masturbate and when you do at some point you will eventually produce sperm. Oh and your voice will "break" and lower in pitch as your larynx (voice box or Adam's apple) enlarges and you'll also suffer from abrupt mood swings (your family will suffer because of them too). There is no definitive end point to puberty. By 21 or so years of age (if not sooner) you probably have reached your maximum height and your penis will probably have reached its maximum length but muscle mass and body hair may continue to extend after this age and may continue into the mid thirties or perhaps even later.

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12y ago
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14y ago

For a guy, there isn't just one event or sign that you're growing up. There are lots of them, including your body growing bigger, your voice changing, and hair sprouting everywhere. Most boys begin puberty between the ages of 9 and 14. But keep in mind that puberty starts when a boy's body is ready, and everyone grows at his own pace

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14y ago

Puberty is a time period last for about 8-10 years when boys started to grow in genitals area, voice starting to change, growing taller, stronger,... It's a process to "prepare" to be an adult. Boys usually hit puberty at the age of 11, some even earlier like 9 and some later like 13.

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9y ago

Stage 1 puberty;

Boys generally begin puberty around 11 or 12 on average.

The testicles begin to grow.

Growth spurt in height.

Erections begin.

Fine pubic hair beginning to show.

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9y ago

Puberty is very variable. Boys can start it at different ages and they don't all go through the various 5 stages in the same order. This is only a guide to what you will experience.

Here are some visible signs of puberty, which might happen in any order; Growth of pubic hair beginning in the region above your penis. Growth of hair on your ankles and in your armpits. Growth of facial hair. Your penis will get longer and thicker, your scrotum will get darker in colour and hang lower to accomodate the increasing size of your testes. You will sweat more and your sweat will begin to smell. You may get spots and blackheads. You will grow taller and your muscles will develop. You will find yourself thinking about sex a lot and you will get increasing amounts of erections in response. You may find yourself comparing body size with your peers. You will begin masturbating and at some point you will ejaculate semen. Your voice will "break" and lower in pitch. You may suffer from abrupt mood swings. There is no definitive end point to puberty but it lasts around 6 years for boys. By 19 or so years of age (if not sooner) you will probably have reached your maximum height and your penis will probably have reached its maximum length but muscle mass and body hair may continue to extend after this age.

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14y ago

You will know when you have hit puberty when you have irrational mood swings, your shoulders will broaden, you might notice a change (growth) in your penis, your voice will start to become deeper, sometimes when your body is going through this change you might get sudden erections. boys will notice pubic hair starting to grow.
This process usually starts in the ages of 12-15.

you should always feel free to ask your dad or uncle or other guardian. Your mother will know about this stuff too. She may not be able to relate your situation though.

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14y ago

Frequent erections accompanied by the secretion of a viscous transparent fluid (few drops). Then lead to attempts for masturbation for several weeks/monthsuntil full ejaculation (and orgasm) is achieved.

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14y ago

Boys will start growing taller, testicles and penis will increase in size, and hair will grow around the genitals, under the arms and on the face. This will be followed by his voice breaking.

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14y ago

Voice break, testicle grow, penis grow...

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Q: Signs of puberty in boys
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Everyone reaches puberty at a different age. So, as soon as the signs of puberty start to show themselves.

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Its when a child goes through puberty, and enters adulthood. Signs of puberty (for boys) are facial hair, acne, increased strength, pubic hair, a lower voice, and growth spurts. Signs of puberty (for girls) are increased breast size, pubic hair, acne and a slight difference in voice

What are the clear signs of puberty?

In boys, the size of the testis increases. In girls, the breasts begin to grow. Also there is growth of pubic hair .

How heavy are boys when they start puberty?

Puberty doesnt depend on the weight of the body. Usually boys are of 13-14 years of age when puberty starts .

How much sooner does girls Puberty begin before boys?

Puberty does not begin at the same time for everyone. Girls on average begin puberty a year before boys.

Do boys or girls go through puberty first?

Girls reach puberty earlier than boys at the age of 9-12 years. Boys reach puberty at the age of 12-14 years.

Why do you have hair on your balls?

It's puberty my friend. ;) Go to some puberty sites for boys you can just type in boys puberty using Google. And if it's to much hair consult a doctor.

Why do boys get attracted to girl during puberty?

Boys go through puberty too, so they don't mind

Son 13 no signs of puberty?

That is normal puberty could for him around 16 it is nothing to worry about

You have some signs of puberty but nothings changing what do you do?

Wait. If you have some signs of Puberty then things are changing. It all happens slowly over a few years, not overnight.

When does a girl develop pubic hair?

Pubic hair begins to grow once you start puberty. It is usually one of the first signs to the individual that he or she has begun puberty. Puberty differs for everyone but on average begins at around 10 for girls and 11 for boys.

Do boys in puberty have thoughts about life?
