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Q: Scientists classify animals by shared what?
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What are the animal classification systems?

In accordance with the Linnaeus method, scientists classify the animals, as they do the plants, on the basis of shared physical characteristics

Do scientists still classify animals?


Why do some scientists classify fungi as plants and other scientists classify them as animals?

becaues they have simler thing that look like them self

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Do scientists classify animals as vertebrates because they have backbones?


Why do scientist classify animals?

scientists classify animals to give them "individualtiy". Or if there was no classification,everthing would not be organised and not have a specifec name.

Do scientists classify plants and animals using certain charaterisics?

Scientists classify plants and animals on the basis of tasonomy. Taxonomy is classsification, identification and nomenclature of living organisms. Taxonomy is used to classify organisms on the basis of their characteristics, mode of nutrition etc.

Why do biologists classify sponges as animals?

Sponges belong to a group of animals that scientists classify as Po-lifer and are among the simplest of animals, lacking tissue and organs. They filter water through the various chambers within it, absorbing nutrients

How do scientists classify mount kilauea?

scientists classify Mount Kilauea as a shield volcano

How do scientists use a classification system to categorize plants and animals?

Scientists can use a classification system in order to categorize plants and animals in a few ways. One way is to classify them based on habitat.

How do scientist classify animals by?

Taxonomists usually use a set of criteria that have to do with reproduction. So even if two species can reproduce an offspring, taxonomists usually make the distinction that the offspring must be able to reproduce as well. If this is the case, then they are likely to consider the two organisms as one species.

How do scientists classify organisms into different Kingdoms?

scientists use taxonomy to classify and separate them into different groups