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Its is called a Tsunami.

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Q: Seismic sea waves becomes more dangerous as they get closer to shore and can be very destructive?
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Why does an area that is far from the epicenter of an earthquake generally has a lower intensity than an area closer to the epicenter?

The farther you go from the epicenter, the seismic waves become weaker.

What happens when moist air rises?

* which of the foolowing occurs when a mass of air rises into the atmosphere? A) it becomes warmer because the particles move closer together B) it becomes cooler because the particles move closer together C) it becomes cooler because the particles move farther apart D) it becomes warmer beaouse the particles move farther apart please help and thank you :)

How do seismic stations record data on the other side of the planet?

The seismic stations record data on the other side of the planet by disturbing the timing of the electrical current. The horizontal magnetic directions are hit by a shock wave, allowing information about the area closer to the earthquake. The seismologists average their data and do final calculations. Within two weeks, they have their data.

Why is there less sediment closer to the mid ocean ridge?

The basaltic crust becomes newer the closer it is to the ridge and has therefore had less time of exposure to sedimentation. New crustal rock is formed at the mid-oceanic ridge. An inch or two a year.

What are the two factors that can determine the amount of destruction that results from an earthquake?

Their magnitude (the amount of energy released by the earthquake, which effects the energy of the seismic waves and the damage they can cause).The proximity of the epicentre to populated or urban areas (the closer the earthquake epicentre, the more energy will be retained by the earthquake waves and the greater the damage)The local ground conditions (seismic waves have a much lower amplitude in hard rock than in soft ground making the damage caused by seismic waves much greater in soft grounds. Also liquefaction may occur in soft ground where there is pore water which acts to significantly reduce bearing capacity and makes building collapse much more likely)The construction techniques employed in the area and the enforcement of applicable construction codes or standards will affect how destructive an earthquake is (earthquake resistant designs will obviously reduce the damage caused by seismic waves, on the other hand, in countries or areas where poor building practices are followed - e.g. insufficient steel reinforcement in concrete, the use of cheap or poorly sourced aggregates which reduce the strength of concrete or the construction on poor founding materials without the requisite foundation engineering will all act to increase the damage caused by earthquakes).

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Seismic sea wave becomes more dangerous as it gets closer to shore and can be very destructive?


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The farther you go from the epicenter, the seismic waves become weaker.

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