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Iambic Pentameter?

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Q: Shakespeares poetry has a different type of pattern that follows a very steady sound like a beat. what is the name of that beat?
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What Japanese poetry follows a pattern of 5-7-5syllables?


What Japanese poetry follows a pattern of 5-7-5?


What japanese poetry follows a pattern 5-7-5 syllables?


What Japanese poetry follows a pattern of 5-7-5 syllabes?


What is unrhymed regular verse of poetry called?

Poetry that doesn't rhyme but follows a regular metrical pattern is called blank verse.

Why wasnt michelangelo's poetry not as popular as shakespeares?

Michael Angelo was a artist and scpultre.

Who were Shakespeares rivals?

Christopher Marlowe, John Marston, Beaumont and Fletcher

What does T. S. Eliot mean when he says No verse is free for the man who wants to do a good job?

Successful poetry is goverened by some kind of logic or pattern.

What japenese poetry follow a pattern of 575 syllables?

Haiku poetry follows a pattern of 5-7-5 syllables. This traditional form of Japanese poetry captures a moment, often focusing on nature or emotions, in just three lines. The brevity of haiku allows for a deeper appreciation of each word and image.

Haiku free verse and fivesenses are examples of what?

These are examples of different types of poetry forms. Haiku follows a specific syllable pattern, free verse has no set structure, and five senses poetry focuses on using sensory details. Each form offers a unique way to express emotions and ideas through language.

What Japanese poetry follows a patteren of 5-7-5 syllables?

Haiku poetry follows a pattern of 5-7-5 syllables, typically consisting of three lines. Each line has a specific syllable count of 5 syllables for the first line, 7 for the second, and 5 for the third. Haiku often captures a moment in nature or a feeling with simplicity and depth.

What is the name of first edition of Shakespeares collected work?

It's called the First Folio, but it is only his collected plays. It does not include his poetry.