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Creosote is a very unstable substance. If you somehow undercoat your vehicle with it, you need to be in either Alaska or Canada or northern Europe for it not to melt--it dissolves, however slowly, at seventy eight degrees, so you'll lose it all in the first summer. On top of that, depending on where you live, it might be illegal to use Creosote on an automobile, or outdoors in general.

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Q: Should Creosote used as an automotive undercoating?
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What is creosote used for?

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Is it ok to undercoat a used vehicle?

Yes. However, if you have surface rust, it should be removed before the undercoating is applied.

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No. Creosote used for wood presrvation is used with a thinner, permitting it to soak into the wood.

What are the two main types of creosote made from?

The two main types of creosote are made from wood-tar and coal-tar. Creosote is distilled from these different types of tar and used for varying purposes such as astringent, laxative, and anti-septic.

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Creosote has a history as a skin irritant as well as a cancer causing agent. the fumes can irritate lungs as well. See the attached website.

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