

Should drugs be legalizing

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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This question is a matter of opinion. Some believe that all drugs should be legal, regardless of how they affect users, some believe that only mild drugs should be legal, and some believe that all currently illegal drugs should remain that way.

Ecstacy, for example, produces many negative effects such as dizziness, vertigo, dry mouth, nausea/vomiting, headaches, constipation, erectile dysfunction, fever, insomnia, and raised blood pressure. However, it also has some positive effects such as a loss of negative emotions like fear and anxiety and a hightened sense of both self-worth and love for others. In addition, it increases the sensations brought on by touch, sight, and sound, and it is suggested to be very useful for psychotherapy.

Another answer:

NO, drugs shouldn't be legalized because people would overdose everyday.

Another answer:

I don't believe that they would, people still have jobs and family, and there will always be lots of people who dont want too do drugs no matter if its legal.. but no most drugs should not be legalized.. I say, if it grovs in the dyrt then its probaly okay, but that dossent mean that people can take it like they drink vater.. If they do then it have nothing too do with it being iligal ore ligal, then they are just plain stupid and will do it anyway..

Another answer:

Most, if not all illegal narcotics are extremely bad for you (like alcohol), and should not be taken. However, I think all drugs should be de-criminalized at the very least. This means that some could perhaps remain illegal, but the penalty for purchasing/using would not be jail time. The problem should be considered a health problem.

In some countries, this is already the case, and seems to be working. In the United States, jailing criminals has done nothing to help the problem. In fact, to keep some dealers in jail, they let out dangerous criminals to make room.

People should research and review the fantastic failure of Alcohol prohibition, and consider a comparison to the current Drug prohibition.

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