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welll in my school u can u probbally can but dont put too much on then u might get told off!

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13y ago
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14y ago

Kids in 7th Grade and up can wear makeup to school because alot of others are doing it so you wont look different.

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11y ago

It all depends on whether or not you're ready to wear makeup. It's 100% your decision! Some kids start wearing makeup in grade school, with others end up never wearing makeup.

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12y ago

no i dont think so....

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Q: Should you wear makeup to school?
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Is it ok to wear makeup to school?

You should only wear makeup to school if your parents approve and it is allowed by the school.

Should a ten-year-old wear makeup to school?

no. she's ten.

What makeup can you wear to school?

That of a common floozy

What makeup should you wear to a middle school dance?

a light kind of make-up but anything really

What makeup should a 11 year old wear to school?

If yo go to a private school you are probably not aloud to wear make up... So wear lip gloss... If you go to a public school do the same thing

Do all middle schooler wear makeup to school?

At my school, yes.

What color makeup should you wear with casual dress?

You should were dark colored makeup

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How do you convince your parents to let you wear makeup to school i dont have a facebook?

Convince them that you're mature enough and that you won't wear heavy excessive makeup.

What age should you wear make-up to school?

you should be at least a teenager to wear makeup if you are 10 and under and wear makeup you are fast. Well I am in year 6 now and I don't know if i should ask my mum if i am allowed to wear concealer. its really up to you, wear it when u feel like it. if you put it on rong you look like a right freaky show off so dont .

Should there be a National No-Makeup Day?

I think so because what's the point of makeup? why couldn't there be no makeup at all so when people don't wear makeup it's normal and when people do wear makeup its creepy. I think so because what's the point of makeup? why couldn't there be no makeup at all so when people don't wear makeup it's normal and when people do wear makeup its creepy.

How old should you be to wear scene makeup?