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no its the parent job to control that, any way how would the law know how much they watch ! ?

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Q: Should there be laws to control the amount of tv young children watch?
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How much TV should a 13 year old watch?

It depends on your outlook. Some people believe that children should watch a very scarce amount of television and others believe that television is good for children to watch a large amount daily. I think there shouldn't be a limit as long as their homework and chores and other things are completed.

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so they watch something

How many hours per day should children watch television?

There is no reason why they SHOULD watch any!

Why should kids not have a tv in their room?

Children do not need a TV for several reasons. Parents need to be able to control what children watch, to make sure they don't stay up and watch all night, and to spend time as a family. It is important that there is family time and communication .

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Should children watch N aruto?

no, because there are naked girls in some episodee and children are not allawed to watch something like thatt

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They should, in order to see what they are doing.

What are some resources available for parent focused on fitness for kids?

Draw boundary lines for your children. You are the boss. You control the amount of television they watch and what they eat. Limit their TV time and encourage play outside or without the TV.

Should children under 12 watch pornmovies?

confront them gently

What is a safe amount of time to watch tv forso that you dont cause a lot of injury?

Children should not watch television more than two hours per day. More television time can lead to future health and psychological problems.

Why do you think parents should encourage children to watch media?

because children also aware about the present senario, wht is going on, children should have aware about all these

Should kids be able to watch tv whenever they like?

Yes, because children love to watch t.v.