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Yes, it is common to have mild swelling, tenderness and redness at the local site of injection of a flu vaccination. It may feel like a lump. This should only last a few days, if it gets larger or continues beyond several days, contact the clinician who gave you the injection or your primary health care professional to see if this is an unusual reaction in your case.

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11y ago

Yes, that is a common local reaction to the injection of the vaccine. It can also become very warm to touch, sore, red, and hurt when you touch or move your arm for a few days. The way to make it get better faster is to use the arm normally anyway. ibuprofen or another anti-inflammatory medicine will help. You can also apply warm moist compresses to the area several times a day and that, too, will help it feel better sooner by increasing the circulation at the site. Other common side effects of the vaccination are low grade fever, body aches and other mild flu symptoms, which also should be gone in only a few days time. These are a normal part of the body's immune response, not a case of the flu.

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No but it does happen in 1/16 women and 1/80 men

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9y ago

A localized reaction -- a lump or redness -- is the most common side effect of flu vaccine. It will resolve over a matter of days.

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Q: Is it normal for there to be a lump at the injection site of a flu vaccine?
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