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A liquid.

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Q: Something that keeps the same volume but fills the shape of its container is called?
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Related questions

Does the volume of gases changes with the change of container?

Of course. The gas always fills the container it's in, no matter how large or small the volume is.

What is no definte shape and no definte volume?

A gas has no definite shape or volume. It fills up its container.

What is state in which a substance completely fills its container called?

Gas completely fills its container, liquid stays as a unit and fills the container with respect to gravity, and solids do not fill their containers

Thirty pounds of methane are held in a sealed container at100degF. The volume of the container is 2 cu ft. Calculate the volume of the gas in the container?

The gas fills the container, therefore its volume must be 2 cu ft.

List properties of a liquid?

A liquid has a definite volume but an indefinite shape. It takes the shape of its container.

What has the same volume in any container?

Liquids take the shape of the container that they are in.

Solids fills their container completely?

No, only gases do and fluids only do so, when excess by volume

How can you tell if something is a gas?

you can't see gases and it fills the room/container.

How is the volume of gas measured?

The volume of a gas is totally dependent on the container it is in, gas fills its container completely by its particles spreading out. The volume of the container is the same as volume of the gas inside the container. gasses are most commonly measured in SI units (Liters, mililiters, .....).

What is the amount of space that fills a solid?

That is called the volume.

Which state of matter spreads itself thinner and thinner until it fills the entire volume of the container irrespective of its size?


Why a gas completely fills any container you it in?

since gas has no definite volume or shape it can be expanded or compressed, the particles will spread till they reach the walls of their container