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:) or a heart or a pinki promise

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yellow rose

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Q: Symbols of friendship
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What are some common symbols of friendship?

Common symbols of friendship include the heart, the infinity symbol, friendship bracelets or necklaces, and the color yellow. These symbols represent the connection, loyalty, and shared experiences that are characteristic of strong friendships.

What is the symble of friendship?

There are a lot of symbols for friendship. Check online through and you will see a lot of them.

What are some friendship symbols?

The koi, or Japanese carp, is a symbol of friendship. Children sometimes exchange homemade bracelets woven out of string as a symbol of friendship.

What is the Chinese symbol for friendship?

It's actually two symbols. 友 (friend) and 情 (emotion). You combine them to get 友情, or friendship.

3 symbols for Claddagh?

Crown = Loyalty Heart= Love Hands= Friendship

Signs for friendship?

What do you mean by signs? Do you mean symbols or ..? Sorry I don't know much about symbols for friendship, but to me i think that signs of friendship is really when you talk to someone enough to know that you both have things in common and you feel comfortable with eachother. Also, when you can laugh with them and have a good time :] i hope i could help.

What is a combination of symbols?

the answer is the red rose means love and the white rose means friendship

The Japanese and Chinese symbols for friendship each one comes up with two symbols do both together mean friendship or does each symbol represent friendship?

well think you just should ask the friewnd to come with you and ask them if they can take a lieing scan I have personally studied Japanese and Chinese Calligraphy. Each character has an individual meaning, and when put together with eachother, they can be translated as "friendship". (Chinese) They both meant "friendship", if you missed one of them then the meaning would be "friend" or something not means "friendship"

What are the three main symbols of the kiterunner and analysis that symbols?

Three main symbols in "The Kite Runner" are kites, scars, and the pomegranate tree. Kites symbolize friendship, betrayal, and redemption. Scars represent physical and emotional wounds that characters carry. The pomegranate tree symbolizes the friendship between Amir and Hassan, as well as the loss of innocence and betrayal.

What are the symbols in Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle stop cafe?

One of the main symbols in Fried Green Tomatoes is friendship. The friendship between Ruth and Idgie is almost inseparable. No matter how far away they were from each other, Idgie and Ruth still had that lasting friendship. Friendship can be defined by the honesty, love, trust, and respect two or more people have for each other. If everyone had and kept a friendship like Idgie and Ruth then more people would be more kind. Sky Streeter 02.08.2012

What Tattoo Symbolizes Friendship?

There are numerous symbols that represent friendship, which might make visually interesting tattoo designs. Some of these symbols include yin and yang, two halves of a heart, or two pieces of a puzzle.

What are some of the most commonly used Japanese symbols throughout history?

Common japanese symbols usually relate to emotions or different elements. Words such as honor, love, earth, fire, friendship, eternity, and water are all popular symbols.