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False. Neurons always fire the same amount.

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Q: T or f When you touch something hot your nerves produce larger action potentials than if you touch something warm?
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How can you tell the difference between a stroke across the cheek and a slap across the face?

1. A light touch, such as a stroke on the cheek, generates a low frequency of action potentials. A firmer pressure, such as a slap, elicits action potentials that pass down the axon at a higher frequency. A second factor is the number of sensory neurons activated. A slap stimulates a larger number of pressure sensitive neurons than a stroke does.

Does strong stimuli cause the strength of action potentials to increase?

No, it doesn't become "larger" - the peak potential is always the same - it is a digital signal. Stronger stimulus will cause the nerve cell to fire more often - therefore stimulus strength is translated as action potential frequency.

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Silicon has a larger bandgap energy than germanium, which contributes to higher junction potentials and ability to operate at higher temperatures.

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No, 284 is larger than a short action can take.

Strong stimuli cause the amplitude of action potentials generated to increase?

Yes. ....Up to a point. There is a threshold the stimulus must surpass before creating a CAP (compound action potential). Anything below this threshold is called subthreshold. Once the stimulus is strong enough cause a CAP it is a stimulus threshold. At this point the CAP will continue to increase as the intensity of the stimulus increases (now termed suprathreshold) until a maximal stimulus causes a maximum response. Any stimulus stronger than the maximal stimulus is called a supramaximal and does not result in any larger a CAP than the maximum response caused by the maximal stimulus. source:

Why does the frog sciatic nerve give a graded response?

The frog schiatic nerve gives a graded response because the nerve is a bundle of axons and not a single axon (thus it does not show the all or none response of an axon-either generating an action potential or not). If one axon is generating an action potential then a small nerve impulse is witnessed, if all axons are simultaneously generating action potentials then a large nerve impulse is witnessed. Thus the nerve impulse is graded (it can be none, small, medium, large, larger, maximal).

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To improve something

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When something get's larger?

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