

How do you use a mini drafter?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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11y ago

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The mini-drafter is a versatile tool and can be used for almost everything. It can be used to draw parallel lines, perpendiculars, inclined lines of any degree with unmatched speed. it consists of one long scale and one small scale and the scales are shaped in 'L' shaped and by a mini drafter we can do 3 kinds of works :

1) drawing of lines

2)drawing perpendiculars for the lines

3)we can use that as a protracter simultanously

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10y ago

mini drafter has degre of freedome in x and y plane .when ever we fix an angle it always remains same due to its degree of fredome

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ectives of mini drafter

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Mini drafter have three degree of freedom,two of them ate along X & Y axis and another is in XY-plane.

When we use mini drafter in engineering drawing?

The mini-drafter is a versatile tool and can be used for almost everything. It can be used to draw parallel lines, perpendiculars, inclined lines of any degree with unmatched speed. it consists of one long scale and one small scale and the scales are shaped in 'L' shaped and by a mini drafter we can do 3 kinds of works : 1) drawing of lines 2)drawing perpendiculars for the lines 3)we can use that as a protracter simultanously

Why do used of mini drafter?

To make the drawings in the merged center

Who invention first man mini drafter?

Santhosh kumar

What is mini drafter?

It device used by an engineer for drawing parallel lines,lanes in some angle etc.It is used in engineering graphics.

How much money does a drafter make?

Between $35,000 and $55,000 a year depending on the tipe of drafter

What is Ambiguity in contract against drafter?

Ambiguity in a contract happens when there is a term, or set of terms, that are not defined, that can be construed to have more than one meaning (hence the ambiguity in the contract). When this happens, the ambiguity is construed against the drafter of the contract since it was the party that drafted the contract. The drafter of the contract had the opportunity to define each of the terms in the contract before presenting it to the other party to execute. The person agreeing to the contract that is not the drafter often does not have the ability to alter the contractual terms or definitions contained in the contract. Further, the drafter of the contract often is the "savvy business person" or "savvy business entity" that use contracts all the time. To get around this, often a drafter will put a section in the contract that states that each party to the contract assisted in drafting the contract, which will help the drafter make the argument that the potential for an ambiguity being construed against the drafter is eliminated.

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A chief drafter is an expert at drafting. If not, just dip your face in dung and it will make sense XD.

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