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The three main nations that fought against Israel in 1967 were; Egypt, Syria, and Jordan.

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Q: The 1967 Six Day War principally involved Israel and?
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Has Jordan gone to war with other countries?

I believe that they were involved in the 6 day war with Israel in 1967.

Who was involved with the Six Day War against Israel in 1967.?

Egypt, Jordan, and Syria were all involved in the Six Day War. Israel declared a pre-emptive war against Egypt, resulting in Jordan and Syria declaring war on Israel in the subsequent days.

What countries were involved in the Arab-Israeli War of 1967 or Six Day War?

Israel vs. Egypt, Jordan, and Syria The Six-Day War was initially started on the 5th of June 1967 as an Israeli Preemptive Strike against Egypt. On the 7th of June, Jordan and Syria retaliated against Israel for the attack.

What year did Israel win the six day war?


Who were the most important people involved on D day?

I suppose the generals were inportant: Eisenhower, Bradley & Montgomery principally.

What nation did Egypt fight against in the six day war of 1967?


What is the name of the 1967 war in which Syria and israel fought?

This is the Six Day War.

Who won the 7 day war?

Israel won the 6 day war in 1967.

What peninsula did Israel seize in 1967?

The Sinai Peninsula was captured by Israel during the Six Day War in 1967. It was peacefully handed back to Egypt upon the signing of the treaty in 1979.

When did israel win the most territory through war?

the six-day war of 1967

Which nations did Israel defeat in the Six Day War of 1967?

Egypt, Jordan, and Syria.

What nation was not involved in the six day war?

Israel, Egypt, Jordan, and Syria were the only nations involved in the Six Day War. Any other nation was not involved in the Six Day War.