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Q: The appearance of vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms may be delayed due to high intake of supplements of?
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Should pap smears be delayed until the appearance of cervical cancer symptoms?

Pap smears should not be delayed until the appearance of cervical cancer symptoms. It is recommended that pap smears be done as early as possible because if signs of cervical cancer are caught early, then there is a very high chance of curing it.

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Pale skin, low blood pressure

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What is the medical definition of a growth hormone deficiency?

The medical term for a growth hormone deficiency is called Hypopituitarism Endocrinology. 1 in 4,000 children born are affected. The growth hormone deficiency can cause a cleft palate, electrolyte imbalances, delayed puberty, obesity that is not from overeating, ear problems, diabetes and joint pain can be possible.

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Major symptoms of rickets are delayed growth, pain in the spine, pelvis, and legs, and muscle weakness. It can also cause deformities of the skeleton such as bowed legs.

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The study is used most frequently to evaluate patients who have symptoms suggestive of decreased, delayed, or rapid gastric emptying, and no visible abnormality to explain their symptoms.

What is Periventricular leukomalacia?

Symptoms of periventricular leukomalacia are tight, spastic leg muscles, delayed motor development, delayed intellectual development, problems with coordination, and impaired vision and hearing.

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Some symptoms of tardive dyskinesia are facial grimacing, finger movement, jaw swinging, repetitive chewing and tongue thrusting. Also delayed abnormal movement in the lower face.