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Straits separate land masses, land masses do not separate straits. You question is therefore the wrong way round.

The Bering Straight separates the North American continent from the Asian continent.

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9y ago

The Bering Strait separates Northern Asia and North America. It runs between Alaska, United States and Siberia, Russia. It separates the two continents by 55 miles.

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Q: What two continents separate the Bering Straight?
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What two continents are separated by the bering strait?

Asia and North America.

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The Bering Strait separates which two continents and which two countries?

The Bering Strait separates Asia and North America; separating Russia from the United States.The two countries are Siberia and Alaska, and the continents are Asia from North America.

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The Bering Strait separates Asia and North America.And guess what? If the world connects Asia and North America, all the continents will be united! You could drive to California from Africa and so on!

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The Bering Strait separates Alaska from Asia. Along with the Bering Strait, the Bering Sea also separates the two places.

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No, the Bering Strait separates North America (Alaska) and Asia (Russia). On the north side of the strait is the Chukchi Sea, which is part of the Arctic Ocean. On the south side of the strait is the Bering Sea, which is part of the Pacific Ocean. An argument can be made that the Arctic Ocean separates the two continents when viewing from the North Pole.

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