

The best way to learn the subjunctive mood in English?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The subjunctive mood is used primarily for contrary-to-fact constructions: If I were you (but I am not)... ; and for urging or ordering: It is important that he see me. In form the past subjunctive of the verbs to have and to be are " had" and "were," respectively, for all persons singular and plural.

Perhaps the very best and briefest essay on the use of the moods in English is from Lewis Carrol: If[since] it was, then it might be. If it were, then it would be. But as it isn't - it ain't!

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Q: The best way to learn the subjunctive mood in English?
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Three: the indicative mood, the imperative mood and the subjunctive mood

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The English moods are indicative, subjunctive, imperative, and conditional

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The subjunctive mood is for expressing wishes, suggestions, or desires, and is usually indicated by a verb such as wish or suggest, paired then with a subjunctive verb

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Yes, "you are hungry" is not in the subjunctive mood as it states a fact or condition that is real or true. Subjunctive mood is used to express a hypothetical or unreal situation.

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Yes, "If I were an earthworm, I wouldn't have to think" is an example of the subjunctive mood. The subjunctive mood is used to express hypothetical or unreal situations. In this sentence, the speaker is imagining being an earthworm and the consequences of not having to think.

What is the subjunctive mood verb of I'd do it if I you?

Were. I'd do it if I were you.

What is the mood of the verb in this sentenceIf I were you I would consult a specialist?

It's the subjunctive mood.

Why do we say god bless you?

It is one of many archaic, almost fossilized expressions in which the subjunctive mood survives in spoken English. Another is So be it. The subjunctive is used to express wishes and contrary-to-fact conditions.

Is there a subjunctive mood in Klingon?

No, there is not. It is something Klingonists have talked about and wished for.

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No. This not subjunctive.

What is an subjunctive sentence?

The subjunctive is a mood in language that has to do with counterfactuals, statements which are about possibilities, not actualities. Usually in English they are statements which start with the word "if". "If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride." is a sentence in the subjunctive. Wishes are not in fact horses, but if they were . . .The subjunctive is a powerful tool in language. It allows people to explore possibilities mentally, by thinking through hypothetical situations which are imaginary and not true. Subjunctive thinking allows for metaphors and other figurative language which is not true in a literal sense.

What part of speech is would be?

"Would be" is a conditional tense in the subjunctive mood of the verb "to be".