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It's an eagle. It's polish heraldic.

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Q: The bird on the polish flag is there because?
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Related questions

What are the colours of the Polish flag?

The colours of the Polish flag are red and white. The flag is half red and half white, divided horizontally. In the top half, which is white, there is a red crest with a white bird in it.

What colors are in the Polish flag?

The Polish flag has a white-red flag. recently they are trying to fit in a new flag because other countried have the exact same flag.

How many stars are in the polish flag?

There are no stars on Polish Flag.

What do polish people do on polish flag day?

Some Polish people put the flag on their houses and participate in some festivals, if there are organised in their city. If they are religious, they pray for the country.

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What does the colors mean on the polish flag?

The white colour on the polish flag means chastity and immaculate (of the polish nation) ,the red colour is a symbol of fire ,it means courage and prowess.

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The Cuban Trogan. This species of bird is known as Cuba's national bird because it's coloration is the same as the Cuban Flag.

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The bird on the Papua New Guinea flag is the Raggiana Bird of Paradise.

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What colours are in the polish flag?

red and white

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