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The book Song of Solomon in The Bible was made by him along with the book Proverbs. These two books are full of wisdom.

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Q: The contributions king Solomon of to the religion?
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How did king Solomon contribute to the development of Jewish religion?

King David and his son King Solomon were both prophets of the Jews and as such preached and contributed to the Jewish religion. King Solomon built the First Temple, and also composed the books of Mishlei (Proverbs), Kohellet (Ecclesiastes), and Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs).

What is the importance of Jerusalem to Israel's religion?

The temple that King Solomon built was there.

Is Solomon's temple built on another religion sight?

It is not certain, but today a mosque stands where king Solomon built his temple.

Who built the center of Jewish religion?

King David built up the city of Jerusalem, and his son King Solomon built the First Temple. See also:King DavidandKing Solomon

What was in King Solomon's tomb?

King Solomon !

What did King Solomon have for a job?

Solomon was a King.

Was king Solomon a moor?

No. If Solomon was a real, historical person, he would have been a Hebrew, or Israelite. On the face of it, that would appear to make Solomon a Jew, but as monotheistic Judaism only began some centuries later during the reign of King Josiah, Solomon could best be described as a pagan. Islam began one and a half thousand years after the time of King Solomon.

What are Charlemagne's contributions?

he was the first christian king and brough the christian religion to the kingdom my teacher said.

What nation was King Solomon in?

King Solomon was king in Israel.

Who was King Solomon the first?

King Solomon the first was David son Solomon.

Is Solomon sea related to king Solomon?

It could be named after king Solomon.

Is King Solomon single?

No, King Solomon is not single.