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Mercantilism. Held in the early days of settelment of the americas.

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Q: The belief that colonies exist to benefit the economy of the mother country is known as?
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What is the belief that the colonies exist to benefit the economy known as?


What did the mercantilists believe?

Mercantilism is the belief that colonies exist for the benefit of the mother country.

Is mercantilism the name given to a belief that a country is only as strong as its colonies?

false (a country is only as strong as the stuff they can trade)

What is marx economic theory?

Marx was the father of communism, hence why it is called marxism or marx economy. Communism is the belief that everyone is equal within the country that practices this form of an economy. An example would be the USSR, which was a communist country leaded by Joseph Stalin.

How did England's belief in mercantilism affect the colony's?

The colonies became strong by keeping strict control over its trade that's how the belief in mercantilsim affect the colonies.

what belief that Hitler ended the German depression?

There is a belief by theorists such as Ellen Brown that Hitler ended the German economic depression. His policies, collectively called the National Socialist Economic Policies, gave him and the government total control of the country and the economy did eventually rebound.

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What mistaken belief did the British have about the Southern colonies?

That the slaves wouold fight with the british.

Which of these was not a belief of Thorstein Veblen?

The real creators of wealth in the economy were farmers' surpluses.

What is nationalizm?

Nationalism is the belief in your country.

What is the belief that colonies could provide raw materials for a nation and be a market for its products?


Can the government use monetary and fiscal policy to regulate the economy?

There is a general belief among economists that governments can regulate the economy. The discrepancies are whether this regulations can affect the economy in the long run or not.