

The father' contribution of a Y chromosome?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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βˆ™ 15y ago

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a mother gives x x

a father gives x y

the possible combinations are

xx xy xx xy

threfore there are 50-50 chances of having a girl or a boy

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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Q: The father' contribution of a Y chromosome?
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What are the X and Y chromosomes?

Everybody has 23 pairs of chromosomes, half they get from their mother and half from their father. The 23rd chromosome you have contains the information of what sex you are. If you are a girl you will have a X chromosome from your mother and and X chromosome from you father. If you are a boy it means you will have a X chromosome from your mother and a Y chromosome from your father. When a sperm cell fertilises an egg the sperm will either be carrying the X chromosome from the male or a Y. If the sperm is carrying a X it will pair with the X chromosome from the mother making the baby a girl. If the sperm is carrying a Y chromosome it will pair with the X chromosome from the mother making the baby a boy! This means it is all down to the father whether the baby is a boy or a girl.

What determines sex?

Sex, as in gender, is determined by the sex organs possessed by an individual. Genetic errors and mutations can make it difficult to determine by just this, but more sophisticated methods exist.

Explain how the type of chromosome results in some children being male and others being female?

A child's gender is dependent on which chromosome (X or Y) is received from the father. The mother has the chromosomes XX and the father has XY. Each parent randomly gives the child one of their respective chromosomes (through meiosis). The mother gives one of her two X chromosomes and the father gives either the X or the Y. If the father gives a copy of his X chromosome, the baby is a girl. If the father gives his Y chromosome, the baby is a boy.

In humans an individual inherits one copy of each homologous chromosome from each parent In turn one of each homologous pair goes to a gamete to be passed on Females inherit two X chromosomes and male?

AnswerBoys must inherit the Y chromosome from their father.

Whose chromosomes determine the sex of offspring in humans?

In humans, it is the father's chromosomes that determine the sex of offspring. The father contributes either an X or a Y chromosome, while the mother always contributes an X chromosome. If the combination is XX, the offspring is female, and if it's XY, the offspring is male.

Related questions

Why is the y chromosome useful for tracing ancestry?

The y-chromosome is only present in males. Men will a y-chromosome identical to that of their father, and his father, and his father, etc.

What is y-chromosoze?

Y chromosome is the 2nd chromosome in a male homolouge it has the contribution in sex determination of the embryo.

What are the X and Y chromosomes?

Everybody has 23 pairs of chromosomes, half they get from their mother and half from their father. The 23rd chromosome you have contains the information of what sex you are. If you are a girl you will have a X chromosome from your mother and and X chromosome from you father. If you are a boy it means you will have a X chromosome from your mother and a Y chromosome from your father. When a sperm cell fertilises an egg the sperm will either be carrying the X chromosome from the male or a Y. If the sperm is carrying a X it will pair with the X chromosome from the mother making the baby a girl. If the sperm is carrying a Y chromosome it will pair with the X chromosome from the mother making the baby a boy! This means it is all down to the father whether the baby is a boy or a girl.

Can a male have the same X chromosome as his paternal grandfather?

No, he cannot.He cannot even have the same X chromosome as his father.The reason is that a male has an X and a Y chromosome in his genome. The Y must come from Dad, because Mum does not have any Y to pass on!So the X must come from Mum.Now looking at grandparents: a male's father supplied the Y, and father's Y came from the paternal grandfather. So the paternal grandfather's contribution must be the Y chromosome.The male's Mum has two X chromosomes, one from the maternal grandfather, and one from Mum's Mum.

What type of DNA only is transmitted by fathers to sons?

The DNA of the Y-chromosome is the DNA that is transmitted only from father to son. This is because women have two X-chromosomes, one of which is given to each child. But men have one X-chromosome and one Y-chromosome. So if a father gives a Y-chromosome to his child that child will be male, while only females receive the father's X-chromosome.

What conditions can be passed from father to son only?

Genetic conditions carried on the Y chromosome, such as hemophilia and Duchenne muscular dystrophy, can only be passed from father to son. This is because the Y chromosome is inherited exclusively from the father.

Are boys created from y chromosomes?

Yes, boys are created from the combination of an X chromosome from the mother and a Y chromosome from the father. The presence of the Y chromosome determines the development of male reproductive organs and characteristics.

What determines the sex of the offspring.?

For humans x or y chromosome from father

What percentage of human offspring receive a Y chromosome from their father?


What determines sex?

Sex, as in gender, is determined by the sex organs possessed by an individual. Genetic errors and mutations can make it difficult to determine by just this, but more sophisticated methods exist.

A child receives an X chromosome from it’s mother and a Y chromosome from it’s father. What is true about this child?

it is male

What happinds of a child receives an X chromosome from its mother and a Y chromosome from its father .?

The child is a biological male.