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Q: The first airplane had an combustion engine?
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How does the airplane engine works?

An aeroplane's engine sucks air. Combustion takes place due to jet fuel. The force of the combustion propels the aircraft.

Is a combustion engine or a jet engine more efficient?

can't be sure, but i would definably say jet engine, or else they would use combustion engines with propellers on every airplane

What invention most directly made the the creation of the automobile and the airplane possible?

The Internal combustion engine

What invention most directly made the creation of the automobile and the airplane possible?

The Internal combustion engine

Who was the very first person to invent the internal combustion engine?

who was the first person to invent the internal combustion engine

Who was the first to patent a working internal combustion engine?

Karl Benz was the first person to patent internal combustion engine.

Who made the internal combustion engine?

If you mean who made the first combustion engine, i have no idea, but the first Four-Stroke engine was made by Nikolaus Otto.

What helps an airplane to move?

Thrust, typically created by a propeller attached to an internal combustion or turbine engine, or by a turbofan.

When was the first combustion engine fitted in a car?

The first practical automobile with an internal combustion engine was invented in 1886 by Karl Benz in Germany.

What invention most dirctly made the creation of the automobile and the airplane possible?

the internal combustion engine which was invented by Rudolf Diesel

The hot expanding gases generated by the combustion reaction in the engines are?

released through the back of the engine to propel it and the airplane foward

What were the first automobiles powered by?

They were powered by steam engines.