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Red because it has the shortest wavelength. Then you lose orange, green,blue, violet.

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Q: The first color lost in the spectrum upon descent during a dive is?
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Which scientist found spectrum of color?

The Colour Spectrum was first defined by Isaac Newton (1666) during his experiments with a prism.

What is the first color lost in the spectrum when descending in a dive?


When was the color wheel first discovered?

Isaac Newton created the first color wheel in 1666 when he discovered a visible color spectrum using a prism.

Why is the color red at the top of the color wheel?

Red is at the top of the color wheel because red is the first color in the visible spectrum.

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Hanson was a white Caucasian of English descent, if that is what you want to know.

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First Descent was created on 2005-12-02.

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The duration of First Descent is 1.83 hours.

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Dirk Graham is believed to have been the first player of African descent to become a member of the Blackhawks organization as one of his parents is Bi-racial.

How does bleach make things white?

First, you must understand that we see the color of an object by which ever color it does not absorb. What bleach does is oxidizes material, removing its ability to absorb light, meaning it reflect the entire spectrum. When the entire spectrum is reflected, it tends to combine and we see it as white. In clothing, the stain is actually still there, but you can no longer see it as it is the same color (white) as the cloth.

How many versions of the descent of man were sold?

Charles Darwin's book "The Descent of Man" was first published in 1871. It went through several editions during his lifetime, with around 5,000 copies of the first edition printed and sold. However, total sales numbers for all editions are not readily available.