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Q: The molecule that prevents lung collapse by lowering the surface tension of the water film lining each alveolar sac?
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What keep the alveoli from collapsing?

Alveoli does not collapse because lungs always have a residual volume which prevents the alveoli to collapse.

What is the function of the surface of fluid lining the alveolar?

The fluid lining the inner alveolar membrane is called surfactant. It helps reduce the surface tension in the alveoli, which prevents them from collapsing in on themselves every time we exhale.

What prevents carbon dioxide from lowering the pH of blood in humans?

the presence of a buffer

What prevents neutron stars from contracting to a smaller size?

Neutron degeneracy pressure, in which the neutrons themselves prevents further collapse.

What prevents evaporation?

Keeping the molecule in a low temperature. The temperature varies on what type of molecule.

What is an alveolar rupture?

An alveolar rapture refers to a situation where the alveolus raptures as a result of increased trans alveolar pressure with less pressure in the adjacent intestinal space. The rapture is dangerous because the amount of pulmonary congestion or obstruction that prevents the expansion of the lung is immeasurable, thereby leaving no criteria for safe pressures.

How do fat and protein film lining the inner wall of the aveoli do in your reapiratory system?

Pulmonary surfactant is a surface active material composed of lipids and proteins which is found in the fluid lining the alveoli.Surfactant prevents alveolar collapse. In addition, it is involved in the protection of the lungs from injuries and infections caused by inhaled particles and micro-organisms.

How does the fat and protein film lining the inner wall of the alveoli protects the respiratory system?

Pulmonary surfactant is a surface active material composed of lipids and proteins which is found in the fluid lining the alveoli.Surfactant prevents alveolar collapse. In addition, it is involved in the protection of the lungs from injuries and infections caused by inhaled particles and micro-organisms.

Which molecule prevents cell membrane from dissolving in water?

Nonpolar Fatty Acids

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What forms an ozone molecule?

Ozone is an allotropic form of oxygen , in upper atmosphere it prevents the harmful sun rays and is converted into oxygen molecule. 2O3 = 3O2

What is quick chill?

Quick chill is a technique to keep food safe. Lowering the temperature to below 40 degrees Fahrenheit prevents germs.