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Q: The principal quantum number of the first d subshell is?
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What are the possible values of the magnetic quantum number?

The magnetic quantum number, ml, runs from -l to +l (sorry this font is rubbish the letter l looks like a 1) where l is the azimuthal, angular momentum quantum number. The magnetic quantum number ml depends on the orbital angular momentum (azimuthal) quantum number, l, which in turn depends on the principal quantum number, n. The orbital angular momentum (azimuthal) quantum number, l, runs from 0 to (n-1) where n is the principal quantum number. l= 0 is an s orbital, l= 1 is a p subshell, l= 2 is a d subshell, l=3 is an f subshell. The magnetic quantum number, ml, runs from -l to +l (sorry this font is rubbish the letter l looks like a 1). ml "defines " the shape of the orbital and the number within the subshell. As an example for a d orbital (l=2), the values are -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, , so 5 d orbitals in total.

The Quantum Number that defines the probable distance an electron is from the nucleus is the quantum number.?

secondary quantum numberI don't think it is a number, but it could be referring to the Orbitals, being S, P, D, and F. Each orbital is a specific shape and the orbitals are determined in blocks on the Periodic Table. The energy, or Quantum Number would go in front, such as 4p, which means the principal quantum number or energy level is 4 and the orbital shape is p. Hope this helps

How many energy levels are found in period 2?

Elements in the second period have two principal energy level. The first energy level has one s subshell. The second energy level has one s subshell and three p subshells.

What does a quantum number describe?

n is the first quantum number. It is the principle quantum number. It refers to what energy level it is and will be one greater than the number of nodes in the orbital. l is the second quantum number. It is the angular momentum quantum number and refers to the shape of the orbital. ml is the third quantum number. It is the magnetic quantum number and it refers to the orientation of the orbital. ms is the fourth quantum number. It is the spin quantum number and refers to the magnetic character of the orbital.

How many quantum numbers?

n = 2, l = 0, ml = 0, ms = -1/2 Only the radial function R(r) of the Schrodinger wave function (psi) is needed to calculate the Energy. The radial function only deals with the principle quantum number (n). Therefore, only n is required to find the Energy. As to find the Energy states, one must specify if we are dealing with a one-electron atom situation or multiple-electron system. For one-electron atoms, the Energy states is determined by the principle quantum number (n). For multi-electron systems, the Energy states depend on both the principle quantum number (n) and orbital quantum number (l). This explanation is valid unless we are using very high resolution spectroscopic techniques, deviations will appear.

Related questions

Which number represents the shape of an electron subshell?

The shape of the electron cloud is determined by the secondary quantum number. The first is n, or the energy level, the second is the sublevel, the third is the specific cloud, and the fourth is the spin.

What are the possible values of the magnetic quantum number?

The magnetic quantum number, ml, runs from -l to +l (sorry this font is rubbish the letter l looks like a 1) where l is the azimuthal, angular momentum quantum number. The magnetic quantum number ml depends on the orbital angular momentum (azimuthal) quantum number, l, which in turn depends on the principal quantum number, n. The orbital angular momentum (azimuthal) quantum number, l, runs from 0 to (n-1) where n is the principal quantum number. l= 0 is an s orbital, l= 1 is a p subshell, l= 2 is a d subshell, l=3 is an f subshell. The magnetic quantum number, ml, runs from -l to +l (sorry this font is rubbish the letter l looks like a 1). ml "defines " the shape of the orbital and the number within the subshell. As an example for a d orbital (l=2), the values are -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, , so 5 d orbitals in total.

How do you determine the direction of the magnetic field?

The magnetic quantum number, ml, is determined by first knowing the subshell, or angular momentum quantum number (l). The s subshell (l=0) has one orbital: ml=0 The p subshell (l=1) has three orbitals: ml=-1, 0, +1 The d subshell (l=2) has five orbitals: ml=-2, -1, 0, +1, +2 A more generic formula is: ml = -l to +l

The Quantum Number that defines the probable distance an electron is from the nucleus is the quantum number.?

secondary quantum numberI don't think it is a number, but it could be referring to the Orbitals, being S, P, D, and F. Each orbital is a specific shape and the orbitals are determined in blocks on the Periodic Table. The energy, or Quantum Number would go in front, such as 4p, which means the principal quantum number or energy level is 4 and the orbital shape is p. Hope this helps

What does the second quantum number?

It's the azimuthal quantum number. It specifies the angular momentum of the orbital, which can broadly speaking be thought of as its "shape." (The reason I'm putting that in quotation marks is that it's possible for two orbitals with the same azimuthal quantum number to appear rather different in overall shape.)

Why is transfer of electron from 2s subshell to 1s subshell not possible?

For a 2s subshell to be present, the 1s subshell must first be full, which means no more electrons can be moved into the 1s subshell.

How many energy levels are found in period 2?

Elements in the second period have two principal energy level. The first energy level has one s subshell. The second energy level has one s subshell and three p subshells.

Explain the rules that determine how electrons are arranged around the nuclei of atoms?

Electrons are arranged around the nucleus of and atom according to there sub-shell configuration.Electron configuration was first conceived of under the Bohr model of the atom, and it is still common to speak of shells and subshells despite the advances in understanding of the quantum-mechanical nature of electrons.An electron shell is the set of allowed states electrons may occupy which share the same principal quantum number, n (the number before the letter in the orbital label). An atom's nth electron shell can accommodate 2n2 electrons, e.g. the first shell can accommodate 2 electrons, the second shell 8 electrons, and the third shell 18 electrons. The factor of two arises because the allowed states are doubled due to electron spin-each atomic orbital admits up to two otherwise identical electrons with opposite spin, one with a spin +1/2 (usually noted by an up-arrow) and one with a spin −1/2 (with a down-arrow).A subshell is the set of states defined by a common azimuthal quantum number, l, within a shell. The values l = 0, 1, 2, 3 correspond to the s, p, d, and flabels, respectively. The maximum number of electrons which can be placed in a subshell is given by 2(2l + 1). This gives two electrons in an s subshell, six electrons in a p subshell, ten electrons in a d subshell and fourteen electrons in an f subshell.The numbers of electrons that can occupy each shell and each subshell arise from the equations of quantum mechanics, in particular the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that no two electrons in the same atom can have the same values of the four quantum numbers

What does a quantum number describe?

n is the first quantum number. It is the principle quantum number. It refers to what energy level it is and will be one greater than the number of nodes in the orbital. l is the second quantum number. It is the angular momentum quantum number and refers to the shape of the orbital. ml is the third quantum number. It is the magnetic quantum number and it refers to the orientation of the orbital. ms is the fourth quantum number. It is the spin quantum number and refers to the magnetic character of the orbital.

What quantum number is a whole number?

The first three quantum numbers (principle, angular momentum, magnetic) are all whole numbers. The last quantum number (spin) is either ½ or -½.

What is the first quantum number of a 1s2 electron in phosphorus?

The first quantum number (n) represents the energy level (shell), so for a 1s2 electron, it would have a value of 1.

What element has one main energy level?

Helium has two electrons which completely fills the first principal quantum level.