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Q: The structure that makes up the stern of a square ended boat is known as the equals?
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What is he structure that makes up the stern of a square ended boat?

the structure that makes up the stern of a square ended boat is known as the

The structure that makes up the stern of a square ended boat is known as the?


What is the structural formula for carbon dioxide?

The carbon dioxide is known as CO2. It has a trigonal structure. The two C equals O. There bonds are equivalent and are short and consist of double bonding.

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The crystalline structure of dubnium is not known.

What is a plot of ground for or with a building called?

An area of ground that a structure would sit on is known as a (parcel). Other slang for areas of ground with or without a building are known as. tracts, plots, and acreage. measurements for a parcel are known as acre the area of an acre square is 43,560 sq feet a square acre would measure 208.795' x 208.795'

When ions arrange themselves in an orderly structure what is that structure known as?

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Does dubnium have a crystal like structure?

As a metal dubnium has a crystalline structure but this structure is not known today.

What is the crystal structure of bohrium?

not known

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They are known as the ' sac fungi ' for this reproductive structure.

What structure of proteins are the sequence of amino acids known as?

That's the primary structure.

What is the radius of the area 345cm2?

Since area equals Pi times radius squared take and substitute what is known. 345 equals Pi times the radius squared. divide Pi into both sides for 109.8 equals the radius squared. Now take the square root of 109.8 to get an r of 10.47936 cm.

In E equals H V the H is known as?

The H equals 6.626 *10^-34 which is commonly known as Planck's constant.