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its Gasoline.

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Water vapour H20(g)
Carbon dioxide

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Q: The most abundant compounds in the earths atmosphere are water vapor and?
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Is water vapor one of the most abundant gas in your earths atmosphere?

The water is not so abundant in the atmosphere and is very variable (o-1 %).

What gases were probably abundant in the earths early atmosphere?

on ancient Earth, nitrogen, water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane were probably the most abundant gases in the atmosphere.

What are the most abundant variable gases in your atmosphere?

Most abundant - Water Vapor

What is the third most abundant gas in earth's atmosphere?

The third most abundant gas in the atmosphere is argon.

Which temperature zone of the earths atmosphere contains the most vapor?

The Troposhere has the most water vapor then any other layer in the atmosphere.

What do you think happens when earths atmosphere becomes saturated with water vapor?

The water vapor condenses.

What are the 4 most abundant gases in the atmosphere excluding water vapor?


Where are the 4 most abudantgases in earths atmosphere?

About 78% of the atmosphere is nitrogen, while 20% is oxygen. Argon makes up less than 1%. Depending on the location, water vapor would be the third or fourth most abundant, comprising up to 4% of the atmosphere.

Almost all of the water vapor in earths atmosphere is contained in the?

Troposphere. This is the lowest section of the earths atmosphere that contains 75% of the earths atmosphere by mass and 99% of the earths water vapour. This section of the atmosphere starts at the surface and extends 7-20km up, the thickness depending largely on where you are in the world.

What percentage of water vapor is in the earths atmosphere?

The % of water vapor is called Humidity. The attached link will give you more information.

Where is most of the water vapor and carbon dioxide in earths atmosphere found?

Upper Part

Which Process of water cycle provides most of the water vapor in earths atmosphere?

Evaporation from the ocean