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sedimentary rock

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Q: The type of formd by fine particles such as mud and sand that contains many fossils is?
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What is The type of rock formed by fine particles such as mud and sand that contains many fossils is?

Sedimentary - but itdoes not necessarily contain fossils to be sedimentary.

What mixture contains small undissolved partials?

It is a suspension of fine particles.

What type of rock do you fine fossils?

fossils are fine in metamorphic rock

What is smoke and dust?

smoke contains a few gases and fine dust particles and is often harmfull for living beings\

Compare and contrast the topsoil of the three types of soil?

Topsoil contains three types of soil particles: sand, silt and clay. Sand particles are coarse. Silt and clay particles are fine. Texture is used to describe the relative .. .

What is dust and soot?

Dust is very fine particles of soil or ash and soot is very fine particles of carbon.

Loess is made up mainly of A. fine pebbles.B. coarse pebbles.C. windblown sand. D. fine silt particles.?


What causes sediment in water from well?

When the water is pumped into the holding tank, it contains fine particles of sediment that are not yet filtered out as they would be in a city water system. By the time the well water is delivered, most of the particles have settled into the bottom of the tank.

What did Robert Hooke think fossils were?

After Hooke studied the fine detail of many fossils with the aid of a microscope, he concluded that they are the remains of organisms.

How have fossils affected life?

they have not i am not telling my name fine it is joe powdermilk

What sedimentary rock would be formed from particles 2 to 4 centimeters in diameter cemented by a fine-grained matrix?

a sediment contains particles that range in diemeter from 2 to 4 cm. which sedimentary rock would be formed when this sediment is compressed and cemented

Why do fine particles scatter light?

Cause they do