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Mass media is intended to reach a large audience through various forms such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the internet. It aims to disseminate information, news, and entertainment to the general public.

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Q: What is the forms of mass media intended to get information to?
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Related questions

What are the forms of mass media?


The relationship between mass media and society?

Mass media is intended to reach the masses within society. The more people mass media reaches, the more impact it has on the audience.

What is communication mass media?

its refers collection of all media technologies..that are intended to reach a large audience via mass communication.....

What encompasses all forms of mass communication?


Mass media are different from other forms of media because of?

the size of the audience

What is proliferation of mass media?

Proliferation of mass media refers to the widespread distribution and accessibility of various forms of media, such as television, radio, newspapers, and the internet. This phenomenon has led to an increase in the dissemination of information and entertainment on a global scale, impacting society and culture in significant ways.

What are the different forms of media within mass media?

The different forms of media within mass media include print media (newspapers, magazines), broadcast media (television, radio), digital media (websites, social media), and outdoor media (billboards, signs). Each form serves as a platform to transmit information to a large audience.

What were public forms of communication during the Great Depression?

Mass media

How is the word newspaper related to media?

A newspaper is a form of traditional media that provides news and information to the public. It is a printed publication that is distributed daily or weekly, and is considered one of the oldest forms of mass communication.

What are media products?

Media products are any materials that are created specifically for distribution to a mass audience, such as movies, TV shows, music albums, books, newspapers, and digital content. These products are intended to entertain, inform, or communicate with viewers, readers, or listeners through various forms of media platforms.

Is it print media same with mass media?

No, print media refers specifically to newspapers, magazines, and other printed materials, while mass media encompasses all media formats (print, television, radio, internet, etc.) that reach a large audience. Print media is a subset of mass media.

Mass media as agent of socialization?

mass media is an agent of socialization because it helps to disseminate information which is of huge importance to any form of socializatiion or interaction