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  • Very seldom do dogs get wolf worms. the best way to describe one is it looks like a maggot.Rabbits and cats get them alot. it will look like a sore that swells up. then it will burst and you can see the worm under the skin. We usually spray some wd40 in the wound and it is gone in about 3 days.
  • Actually, it's never been that easy or simple for me. I've had cats that have had wolfs and this is the only way I got them out: Pour peroxide (which my vet just told me not to use peroxide, but iodine) in the hole, trying to smother the wolf out. It will come to the surface of the wound, and then you have to take tweezers and work with it until you get hold of it and pull it out. It's never been easy on either me or the animal. I currently have a chocolate lab who has a wolf; and I'm seriously dreading trying to hold him down to get this one out.
  • you have to squeeze it out, then put peroxide on it, and just keep doctoring it with neosporin until the site heals. it is that simple (btw- i used to work for a vet)
  • We also tried the iodine and the peroxide. We could see the worms head, but it never came to the surface long enough to grasp. I used a 10 cc syringe worked the nozzle into the hole and applied suction. We suctioned the worm into the syringe in the second attempt it was whole and still alive. This wolf worm was on our 5 week old pup.
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The only treatment for wolf worms in a dog is to take it to the vet; do not try to remove them yourself. If you try to remove them and do not get the whole larvae out, it can cause severe infection or an allergic reaction that can actually kill the dog.

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Are wolf worms contagious to human?

There is no such worm called a "Wolf Worm". Take your pet into see your Veterinarian to see what is the problem with your dog. Is this an internal worm you saw passed in the feces of your dog or perhaps a maggot infection on the skin? If an internal worm, then bring in a small sample of the dog's feces with you when you see your Vet. It could be a maggot infection under the skin, caused by flies laying eggs or even mosquitoes who have the eggs attached to their legs by flies brushing against them, or perhaps it is a fungal infection of the skin. But you need to take your pet in to see a VETERINARIAN.Edit 7/21/11 - Of course there is such thing as a wolf worm; they are also called screw worms. The worm larvae can enter your pet's body through the nose/mouth or directly through the skin via a wound. It is possible to remove them yourself but not recommended because if the worm's body bursts it could lead to an infection.

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Wolf dog... is it legit or not?

Yes their is such dogs as wolf dogs. A wolf dog is a mix of a wolf and a dog

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Wolf Dog was created in 1958.

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Not at all! You don't give your dog medicine designed for a horse - see your vet for real medication for dogs.

How do you get a wolf worm out of a bunny?

well you can either squeeze the area where the wolf worm is and it will come out on its own or use tweezers to get it out. if you still can't get it out call the vet.

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