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100% ture that some plants are harmful to horse. Some can kill within hours of eating. Its very importion as owners to know what is good and what is bad.

I will list a few common plants that can be deadly to your horse. I will say it best to talk to your vet. to tell you what is most common in your area.

Yellow Star Thistle

Typically horses eat the plant over an extended period of time before symptoms appear. The ingested toxins actually cause a softening of parts of the brain and once symptoms appear, the animal will likely die.

The horse will not be able to eat or drink, although he may attempt to do so. He may chew food only to spit it out when he cannot swallow, often acting as if something is caught in his throat.

Because this disease damages the brain and prevents the horse from eating, there is no recovery. Clinical experiments where poisoned horses were fed through stomach tubes have shown that even after extended periods of time, affected horses will not regain the ability to swallow.

Dead Red Maple

The dried leaves and bark of the red maple can produce significant anemia in the horse when eaten. Symptoms include general weakness, and increased breathing and heart rates indicating the animal's attempt to compensate for the anemic condition.

Potato and Tobacco Leaf Poisoning

Nicotine are toxic to horses. The stems and leaves of many types of potato plants contain high concentrations of nicotine. Horses have also been known to be poisoned by domestic tobacco which has lift in reach in the barns where they are stabled.

Nicotine affects the nervous system. In minor cases the horse may shake, shiver or twitch, particularly around the neck and shoulders. As the symptoms advance, staggering and paralysis may be evident. The heart may beat violently but produce a weak, rapid pulse. The horse may show an elevated temperature, yet the extremities will feel cold.

Severe cases will usually produce a rapid onset of symptoms, followed a few minutes later by death, although some horses have been known to struggle with nicotine effects for up to several days. There is no known treatment for nicotine poisoning.

These are a few of plants you may run into ever day that could be you worst nightmare. I do how you look into this more. Your horse needs you to protect him.

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