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False. Granite is an intrusive igneous rock and so commonly cools slowly so has time to develop moderate to large crystals.

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Q: True or false granite is a fine grained igneous rock?
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True or false granite is a sedimentary rock?

False Granite is an igneous rock

True or false granite is a metamorphic rock?

It is false. Granite is a igneous rock that was formed from magma cooling and hardening.

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Felsic igneous rocks (the lightest in color) are comprised mostly of quartz and potassium feldspar. Intermediate igneous rocks (somewhat darker than felsic) are made up of some quartz and potassium feldspar, but mostly plagioclase feldspar.

What granite made from magma that was trapped in the earth's crust. true or false?

I think you are talking about granitic intrusions. This is not a true/false question as granite takes many other forms than intrusions.

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False it can also form from sedimentary rock.

True or false most of the earth's crust is made up of a mix of metamorphic and igneous rock?

That would be true.

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False Sedimetary rocks can be formed from changes in igneous rock, and igneous rock can be from changes in sedimentary rock.

Much of the upper mantle thought to be made of granite true or false?

False. The upper mantle is believed to be composed primarily of peridotite.

True or false the tree main types are igneos sedimentary and magma?

That is false. The 3 main types of rocks are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic