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Q: Was Lance Armstrong using steroids during his career besides when he had testicular cancer?
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Related questions

Why did Lance Armstrong have a testicle removed?

He had testicular cancer

Did lance Armstrong have cancer?

according to arthur on cbbc yes

Which athlete had a hard overcome to become success?

Lance Armstrong had to overcome testicular cancer

Can testicular cancer metastasise to the brain?

Yes, Lance Armstrong had two tumors in his brain.

Famous people who have had testicular cancer?

Napoleon Bonaparte, John Wayne, MaSakzau YoShizawa

How long did it take Lance Armstrong to recover from cancer?

At age 25, Lance Armstrong battled with testicular cancer. It took him one year to recover from cancer after months of chemo treatments.

How many balls does Lance Armstrong have?

since he had testicular cancer, he has only one....too bad for him... but he also had brain cancer.

When did lance Armstrong have brain tuners?

Never, so far. He had testicular cancer, not brain tumours.

Can microwaves give testicular cancer?

no it cannot give testicular cancer

What connection does testicular cancer have to heredity?

Family history of testicular cancer.

How do you learn about cancer information online?

If you would like to learn more about cancer and how to treat it. I would highly reccommend checking out Neil Armstrong's site know as Live strong. He is a testicular cancer survivor.

What kills the most men between the ages of 15 and 35?

testicular cancer