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No. Her older blind sister, Mary Amelia Ingalls, was.

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Q: Was Laura Ingalls Wilder the oldest daughter in the family?
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How did Laura Ingalls Wilder's sister die?

She had three sisters. Mary the oldest, died from pneumonia and complications from a stroke. Diabetes ran in the Ingalls family and Laura, Carrie, and Grace all eventually died from complications of the disease.

In what Laura Ingalls Wilder book does Mary go blind?

Mary Ingalls, she was the oldest of the children.

How did Mary ingalls kendall die?

Laura's sister Mary was born, lived and died as Mary Ingalls. She never married.

Whose first responsibility if mother is ill daughter or daughter in law?

I would believe the oldest daughter in the family or son.

Who was Laura Ingalls Wilder sisters?

She had 3 sisters Mary who was the oldest, Carrie who lived 2nd longest (Laura lived the longest), and Grace who died in 1941.

Why does the oldest Indian daughter have to get married first?

Because she is always the lesbian in the family.

What are the names for the daughters little house on the prarie?

The daughters in the Ingalls family were Mary (Melissa Sue Anderson), Laura (Melissa Gilbert), Caroline "Carrie" (Lindsay and Sidney Greenbush), and Grace (Wendi and Brenda Turnbaugh). The family adopted another daughter, Cassandra (Missy Francis), as well as two sons, Albert (Matthew Laborteaux) and James (Jason Bateman).

Who is the oldest daughter in Jessie J's family?

Rachel, she is 7 years older than Jessie

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How many siblings did Laura Ingalls Wilder have?

None. Rose Wilder Lane was the only grandchild of Charles and Caroline Ingalls. Mary never married. Laura's only surviving child was Rose. Neither Carrie nor Grace had children, though Carrie helped raise her husband's children from a prior marriage.

What happens to your grandmother CD when she died and it was supposed to go to your mother and she died who is entitled to it?

it goes to the oldest daughter of the family.

What did Laura Ingalls Wilder overcame?

Laura Ingalls Wilder overcame many things in her lifetime. She and her family had many unsuccessful moves that were hard on the family. They had wheat crops that were destroyed. She had a baby brother that died. Her family survived a fire in the hotel in which they were staying and working. Her oldest sister almost died and lost her sight from illness. They nearly starved and froze during a horrific winter. Shortly after she married, she and her husband lost their crops to hail and droughts. Their home burned down and they had a son who died shortly after birth. Her husband became very ill shortly after their marriage and they had to move a few times for family to help take care of him and also to live in a warmer climate. The land they ultimately purchased and farmed took a lot of labor to produce a living. She overcame it all and became a successful farmwife and writer.