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If you are referring to the city of Rome, it might have been common to a certain extent because at one point the majority of its population was from outside Rome. People migrated to Rome from all over the empire and for a period of some 300 years many slaves were taken to Rome. The children of these people probably learnt Latin and were bilingual. Around the empire there probably was bilingualism in the Roman towns and near military forts, where the locals might have learnt Latin to a degree. The elites of the conquered peoples also spoke Latin. The Roman elites studied in Latin and Greek and were fluent in Greek. The elites in the eastern part of the empire spoke Greek as this area had been under Greek rule before coming under the Romans. In the big cities of the east there might have been common people who spoke their language and Greek.

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Q: Was it common for people in ancient Rome to know more than one language?
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